Part Four

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We drive in my moms old jeep, glad that I put the battering ram on the bumper. The slow drive is silent, what just went down replaying in my head over and over again. How long have I been going to school with dead people? Looking out the window, I see the clouds becoming more intense. If this guy we're gonna fight can give these make to Hunter, who was just annoying, into a powerful monster, how can we fight him on our own? I can't be afraid though, my town is counting on us. What's left of it anyway.
"What's the plan Fin?" Hazel looks over at me and I can see what she's thinking. "How can we take down Icarus? I mean, we're just kids!" I sigh.
"What will we do is try our hardest it's all we can do." Hazel frowns.
We make it to the edge of the forest, and i can see something glowing between the trees. Hazel gives me a worried look.
"I can sense the dark magic coming of the woods. It's stronger than I ever felt before. This guy has to be doing something really dangerous. Are you ready?"
"Yeah. lets go." I pick up a crossbow from the backseat and Hazel grabs her throwing knives. We hop out of the car and sneak through the forest. Hazel sets her hands aflame to provide light. We come into view of where the light is coming from, see Icarus and we hid behind a bush.
Hunter is in front of Icarus arguing, begging. "Please Icarus, Please sir, don't!"
"Mortal! How dare you defy me. You want your powers don't you?"
"Of course my lord! But..."
"Silence! Youwill do as I say. Now..." several people with robes step out from seemingly nowhere. Icarus turns to them."Prepare for the sacrifice." Blood rushes out of Hunter's face.
"Wha-" The robed figures grab hunter and throw him down into the ground. "No!No-no-no-no-no! Please! Stop!"
"A soul for a soul, small mortal. I am going to-" He looks towards our bush and me and Hazel hold our breath. A robed man speaks up.
"Do you want me to check it out my lord?"
"No. whatever is, it is too late to stop me." Icarus laughs, "Soon, I will join the sun in the sky and become more powerful than the gods!" What is this guy talking about? Icarus and the robed figures circle Hunters motionless body and chant. The light goes red. Shifting closer, I see Hunter is inside a satanic circle, and the light is coming from candles... and Hunter?

Hope you like it so far!!!

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