Part Three

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I open the door to my room and try to neaten it quickly. Hazel walks in holding Coco. She looks nervous. I gesture for her to sit down.
"What did you want me to know?" she asks well getting comfy. I take a deep breath.
"Where should I start?"
"How about why I feel like my memory is missing?"
"Good of place as any." I explain how we followed the Hunter gang into the forbidden mountains and meet the demon who wiped our minds.
"How come you remember, and I knew something was up?"
"Well, I used my magic to repel most of the enchantment from me, and you were , from what I could see, trying to fight it. I don't know what Griffon did, but he seems completely mind wiped." 
"What about Griffon, he wasn't acting like himself in the tree house?"
"From what I could tell, he wasn't acting normal on the mountain. I think something is  going on." Hazel shifts Coco in her arms, blushing.
"So, why did you rate me an eight?" I turn away, hoping my face isn't red, but she continues. "You rated me a five since we made this game."
"It's best if I start from the beginning." I take another deep breath. "Well, you know I haven't had a 'crush' since my old best friend, Cindy O'neil moved away at the end of second grade."
"Before we were friends."
"Yeah. and I knew her since I was able to walk, and I didn't like her till that year. Anyway, I-I um.. Started to like you around early seventh grade. And I like you now." She seemed to understand, mostly.
"Wait... let me process this." She continues to pet Coco. "Ok, so I have something to tell you too." She takes a deep breath, "I-I think I like you too." She sits down next to me and Coco runs off. "Well... what should we um... do now?"
I take a minute to think. "I-I-I don't kno-"


UGGGHHH! My head! "Fin! Something is going on!" I quickly stand up and clench my fists. "My head is pounding!" I run outside the house and feel a strong wind. I open my eyes to see Hunter's gang walking around a few feet away, but Hunter's not there.
"Hey ghost girl!" The group notices me and walk slowly towards me. The closer they get they get, the more my head starts to hurt, and the more my mind starts to clear. The reason that I have I thought I liked Fin, The reason I feel woozy, the reason Griffon was acting weird. When they're almost on top of me when my head stops banging and I notice that these people... are different. I sense dark magic, necromancy. These people aren't living. They're starting snarl and they're eyes glow with anger. I create a circle of fire around me.
"Fin! Help!" I yell. I fight of the undead. I see chunks of earth and dust into the fly into the sky.
"Hazel! Are you ok?" Fin runs towards me using his magic to blast creatures into the earth, others having to run on repeat not going anywhere. I summon a soul defender lion. It bites and pounces at the creatures. "What are these things?" I take out my dagger and start hopping into shadows, stabbing them from behind.
"Undead! They were summoned with necromancy! I think Hunter-"
"Summoned them? He had to!" Now that we were closer, I can see in his eyes that he understands what's going on as well  Fin and I hope into his mom's old car and hit the hollows as we drive off.
"We need to find Griffon." Fin says after the five minute of silence. "Maybe he knows what's going on."
"No way! You said that he was acting weird, besides, look!" I point out the window at the mountain. A gigantic, dark purple cloud is shirling around the mountain, the woods at the center. "We need to find out what that is."
"Fine. do you think we can really fight that monster though?" I forgot about him.
"Totally. We can handle anything." I hope I sound confident, but I don't think I believe it myself.

That's all for now, if you guys like it I'll write more. What kind of ending should I write?

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