Part Five (Wow I posted)

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"Από τα βάθη της γης." Icarus and the robed men chant. I look over at Fin. How come I understand what they're saying? " απόσταση του ουρανού. Μια ψυχή για μια ψυχή, ένα μάτι για ένα μάτι." Hunter's body rises. From the depths of the earth the reach of the sky a soul for a soul, an eye for an eye.
Fin looks at me, he can understand them too. Hunters eyes open and they glow as bright as the sun. A stream of light seeps off him and onto Icarus, making him glow. The men continue to chant as Icarus laughs.
"Finally!" Fin looks at me and he mouths, we got to stop them. I because and sense the earth beneath me. There is a lot of dark energy, a lot of death. Energy seems to pulse through my veins. Let's do this.
We jump out from hiding, and with our weapons in position, we charge Icarus. He looks at us surprised and waves us off. Fin and I go flying into the trees beside us. "Uhhhhggg my head!" Fin looks over at me. We can't fight him alone.
CRACK. A twing snaps and we look over and see Griffon stepping out of the shadows. Fin yells for him, and Griffon looks over. He starts to laugh. A deep, coarse and distorted laugh that sounded nothing like the laughs we've shared. He walks into the light of the fire, and I gasp. Griffon's left side is completely burnt, the whites of his left eye is black, and the iris looks of lava flowing. He smirks and places his hand on Fin's shoulder.
"You should have stayed out of this, you might have been spared the worst." fin is to goggy to respond. "Icarus, is it time?"
"I believe the sacrifices were adequate enough for the second coming of the world." what? Griffon, I've known him for years, he was like a brother to me. How could he do something like this?
"Griffon! Don't do this!" I cry out. Icarus begins to flout into the sky, fire swirls on land burning everything to ash. Fin tugs on my are and we run to the jeep.
We speed down the mountain and the swirling red flames closes in behind us. We head into the school for shelter. I grab the nearest fire extinguisher and run down the hall after Fin to the cooking room. We turn on and plug all the fauchsts to flood the floor with water. I put a wet towel over my mouth and nose and point the extinguisher at the windows.
The fire quickly was outside and the window was cracking from the heat. The windows shatter around us and the fire crawls towards us. I point the extinguisher and spray but this magical fire isn't being affected the foam. Fin activates a force field like bubble around us, the searing heat snaps at the bubble.
Around us the fire close us in, trapping us. Fin turns to look at me as the fires light blinds me. I pass out from the heat and smoke just to see Fin struggle to keep a barrier up.

I know this isn't much, more coming soon ( might be a part two in a second "story")

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2019 ⏰

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