day one - grian

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holy moly. i hate this so much.
my partner thing is stress, which is good! she's one of my best friends and i get to hang out with her, luckily.
although she is my friend, i'm still scared.
at the cornucopia, i did get a bow and a bunch of arrows! stress got a hatchet and rope.
someone did try to kill me as soon as the horn went off, and i ran immediately and hid behind my pedestal. someone else was hiding too. he and his tribute partner ran off.
stress found me and we heard a scream, so we ran. we ran for about an hour. we saw a tribute smashing another person's head into a rock, with a knife deep in his chest.
god, just writing that makes me want to vomit.
we found a lake eventually and i filled up a water purifier with the water while stress scouted around for a place to hide for the night.
we heard a lot of screams. bone chilling screams. it was horrible.
well, stress is calling me to our temporary place for the night.

i made a fire! stress is cooking some sort of rabbit meat over it for dinner. the sun set a bit ago, so i'm about to sleep. we're going to sleep in shifts, and i sleep first. she'll will wake me up in a few hours to switch.

it's in the middle of the night and i heard growling. i'm on the shift now and i'm scared. where did i put my bow and arrows...?

it was just a wolf, nothing too dangerous. i felt bad for shooting it, but it had to be done. stress sleeps like a rock, by the way. it's crazy.

the sun's rising now, so it's about time for us to switch off. i moved the wolf's body away from our shelter, so no one would think we were there.
oh, we're in a little lean-to against a rock. stress is really good at camouflaging things, so it barely looks like we're here.
stress is waking up now. i'll write some more soon!

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