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Narrator's POV

On July 31, 1991, Harry woke up absolutely ecstatic: he had turned eleven years old!

He knew his relatives wouldn't celebrate his birthday but today he would be able to write to his soulmate!

Harry walked to where he had his collection of Dudley's broken toys and got his only writing utensil: an orange marker.

He uncapped it and wrote on his wrist, "Hi! My name is Harry Potter."

The ink disappeared and he waited happily for his soulmate's reply.


Across England, the Dark Lord woke up in his manor, black silk sheets falling to his waist as he sat up.

The Dark Lord had been resurrected just a year ago when he had discovered a way to bring his body back using his father's bone, Wormtail's flesh and Nagini's blood.

He had felt a magic tingle around him and it had awoken him.

Lord Voldemort looked down at his wrist and saw the messy handwriting of a child in orange ink.

The dark wizard smiled, he did have a soulmate after all; all those years ago he thought he was one of the soulmateless when he had reacted eleven but it seems his soulmate was just not yet born.

He turned on his bedside lamp and read the writing, "Hi! My name is Harry Potter."

Well well well, it seemed the Potter boy was his precious soulmate.

He summoned a quill and ink pot and wrote, "Hello, Harry, my name is Tom."

Lord Voldemort received a reply almost immediately, "What do you look like Tom?"

He gave a description he thought an eleven year old would understand, "I have curly brown hair, I have red eyes, and I'm really tall."

Harry replied with a stick figure drawing with the colors written with arrows pointing towards the feature.

The Dark Lord chuckled at the drawing and was about to reply when he received a rushed reply stating that Harry had to go and that Aunt Petunia was unlocking his room so he could make breakfast.

That confused him, why would Harry's bedroom have locks on it? And why would a child cook breakfast for a family?

He immediately suspected abuse and didn't write back, wanting to insure that Harry didn't get in trouble until he could arrive.


Harry softly hummed while he pulled the weeds outside, this was his favorite chore since his relatives rarely went into the backyard so he could hum as he wished.

Feeling a little brave he reached into his pocket and pulled out the orange marker and wrote to Tom, "Hi, Tom!"

He got a response quickly, "Hello, why did you have to make breakfast? Isn't there an adult to do that?"

"Yeah, but Aunt Petunia doesn't like cooking so she makes me do it, but she gets mad when I burn it but then I can eat it!"

"Harry, what is your address?"

Harry knew that, he had filled it out on his school forms before, "Number 4 Pivet Drive, Surrey."

"I'm on my way. I'll be there soon."


The Dark Lord was furious: his soulmate was being abused!

He quickly apparated there and knocked on the door, using his days from Borgin and Burkes to fake a calm demeanor as he lied his way to Harry's rescue, being sure to use a glamour to make his eyes ice blue again.

An ugly and stick thin woman quickly opened the door, "Hello, how can I help you?"

Lord Voldemort instantly creates a plausible cover story to get in, "I've been sent by the Home Owner's Association to check up on the carbon monoxide detectors, they've been faulty recently and we wish to prevent an accident. I'll only be a minute or so to check."

The muggle woman seemed to believe the story and moved aside to let him in.

She showed him to the detector and asked him if he'd like anything to drink

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She showed him to the detector and asked him if he'd like anything to drink.

"Just a cuppa tea." He replied, trying to get alone so he could look for Harry

She nodded and headed towards the kitchen where he heard her muttering about him and a man's voice grumbling about "Damn H.O.As."

The Dark Lord found a small cupboard under the stairs that had several locks on it...that couldn't be Harry's room, right?

He used his magic to see if Harry was in there, he wasn't so he had to be somewhere else in the house.

Lord Voldemort heard footsteps approaching him, so he looked in that direction and silently and wandlessly casted "Petrificus Totalus", freezing the muggle woman.

He walked towards the kitchen and repeated the action with both the man and the boy sitting at the table.

At the stove was what he knew had to be his precious Harry wearing clothes that were several sizes too big for him; clearly hand-me downs from the other boy in this clearly not impoverished household.

At the stove was what he knew had to be his precious Harry wearing clothes that were several sizes too big for him; clearly hand-me downs from the other boy in this clearly not impoverished household

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Harry hadn't noticed him yet, so he called out to him, "Harry."

Harry spun around immediately, turning off the gas stove, dropping the spatula and running towards him, "Tom?"

Tom hugged Harry and kissed the top of his head, "It's me, love."

"How are you here?" Harry asked

"I'll explain in a bit, what's important is that we leave now." Tom said

That's when Harry noticed the frozen Dudley and Vernon at the table, "Why aren't they moving?"

"I'll explain everything soon, just hold onto me." Tom said, apparating back to his manor...

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