The Chamber of Secrets...

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Narrator's POV

Harry sat in his bed in the Slytherin Second Year Boy's Dorm, wondering who the Heir of Slytherin was while he mindlessly rubbed the locket Tom had given him.

That gave Harry a big idea, he could call Tom and ask him!

Tom was so smart and he seemed to know all of the nobility so he would have to know.

He got his mirror and called Tom, "Hi, Tom! I have a question!"

"Hello, darling." Tom greeted, "What would you like to know?"

"Do you know who the Heir of Slytherin is?" Harry asked

"Yes, I know him very well." Tom said

"Who is it?" Harry asked, his curiosity peaked

"I am." Tom chuckled

"That doesn't make any sense." Harry said

"How so?"

"Because the Heir just left a note on the hallway near the Great Hall."

"What did the note say?"

"'The Chamber of Secrets has opened, Enemies of the Heir beware'."

"Cover your ears, love." Tom said, waiting for Harry to do so before starting to curse

After a minute Harry freed his ears, "What's wrong?"

"I told the Diary to not make its presence known but it has."

"What Diary? The book you got from that store?"

"Yes it's a very special book. Next time you see one of those notes I want you to sneak into the nearby girls restroom and go up to the sinks and whisper 'open', ok?"

"Ok." Harry smiled


Now, a few weeks later, Harry found himself in the Chamber of Secrets with the diary who was slowly becoming solid as Ginny's soul was drained.

Upstairs, the school had found a new message on the wall once they had discovered Ginny missing.

Harry stood next to Tom with his invisibility cloak on, hidden and watching, Ginny was almost dead and Tom was almost solid

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Harry stood next to Tom with his invisibility cloak on, hidden and watching, Ginny was almost dead and Tom was almost solid.

Suddenly, they heard a voice heading towards them, Tom quickly hid himself in the shadows.

"Ginny!" Ron yelled, sprinting to her

"Ginny, don't be dead! Please, don't be dead." Ron said, throwing his wand to hold her

Her face was white as marble, she was almost gone.

"Ginny, please wake up." Ron muttered desperately, shaking her

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