A Strange Farewell and the Hogwarts Express...

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Narrator's POV

When Harry returned to Riddle Manor with Narcissa, he was quickly told by a house elf that, "Master Slytherin wishes for you to stay in your room until he fetches you."

Harry did as told, going straight to his room, passing by a room full of masked people in black robes.

While he waited he read his Hogwarts letter, putting all of his school supplies into his trunk.

He then organized his new clothes into categories so everything wasn't mixed together.

Harry giggled while he did the, he had never had enough clothes that it could be organized; in the past all he had were the clothes he wore everyday and a jacket for the winter.

Soon enough his organizing was interrupted when his bedroom door opened.

Harry turned and saw Tom, so he rushed up to him and hugged him.

"Who were all those people?" Harry asked

"They are my followers, but you don't need to worry about that until you're older." Tom answered

"Ok." Harry said, cuddling against his soulmate

Tom smiled and stroked Harry's hair.


A month later, Harry just finished up the last dinner he would have with Tom until Yule Break.

Getting ready to tell Tom 'goodnight', Tom snaps his fingers and the door to the dining room opens to reveal a scarred looking man wearing a purple turban.

Harry blinked and all of the table was empty and all of the chairs disappeared except the ones they were sitting on and the one both across from Harry and beside Tom.

The man sits down and stares at the table, too scared to look at either person.

"Harry," Tom says, "meet Quirinus Quirrell, he will be one of your professors in school."

"Hi!" Harry greeted, still confused on why a teacher was here

"Quirinus," The Dark Lord said, finally addressing the other man, "I assume you have a plan to retrieve the Philosopher's Stone?"

Quirinus quickly replied, "In-Indeed, my L-Lord. I plan to...uh...wait until the staff's g-guard are d-down and p-place a dis-distraction so I can re-re-retrieve it."

Lord Voldemort approved the plan and sent him away.

He then turned to his confused soulmate, "While you are at school, I want you to use the mirror I'm giving you tomorrow to contact me and tell me his progress, ok. So you'll have to check up on him after classes. If he is rude to you let me know and I will handle it."

"Ok, Tom." Harry said


The next day, once he arrived to Platform 9 3/4's thanks to the house-elf's help, he boarded the train and looked for a compartment to sit in, preferably with Draco and Neville if he could find them.

The first compartment he opened had a boy with red hair, a boy with dirty blond hair, and a black boy.

"Who are you?" The dirty blond boy asked

"Harry. Harry Potter, who are you?" Harry answered

"I'm Ron Weasley," The redhead answered, showing off a lightning bolt shaped scar "I defeated Lord Voldemort as a baby and I'm going to be a Gryffindor."

Harry frowned and Ron spoke again, his voice dripping with disgust, "You're a slimy snake aren't you? A dirty, little Death Eater?"

Harry left the compartment and walked down the train a bit until he felt far enough away, the next one he opened had Draco, Neville, a blonde girl, and a brown haired girl.

"Can I sit here?" Harry asked

"Of course." Draco said, scooting over, letting Harry sit between him and his cousin

"I'm Hermione Franqui." The brown haired girl said

"And I'm Luna Lovegood." The other girl said

Harry smiled brightly: Tom said he could trust these people.

"It's nice to meet you." Harry replied

"What house do you want to be in, Harry?" Neville asked

"Slytherin." Harry replied

They chatted about many random topics for the rest of the ride, and Harry couldn't help but notice that most of them were about him and his own likes and hates.

Draco, Luna, Hermione, and Neville had been told by their parents to be on the lookout for and to protect Harry Potter, for their Lord's latest order was to keep him safe and happy...

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