The Boy...

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A/N: Italics means Flashbacks/Newspapers and This is Parseltongue

Narrator's POV

Harry hummed as he sat in his room in Riddle Manor, wearing a cute aquamarine dress that had white, puffy mesh sleeves and butterflies.

Unfortunately, he was bored out of his mind because Tom was meeting with his followers and that meant he wasn't allowed out of his room

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Unfortunately, he was bored out of his mind because Tom was meeting with his followers and that meant he wasn't allowed out of his room.

Harry fell onto his bed, wanting something to do but he hadn't had time to grab a book before the house elf had rushed him in here.

Suddenly, laughter shook the mansion and Harry was left confused before the laughter suddenly stopped.


"You bring news I trust, Severus?" The Dark Lord asked

"It will happen Saturday next. At nightfall." Severus informed

"And this information comes from?"

"The source we discussed, my Lord." Severus answered

"I have heard differently, my Lord. Dawlish, the Auror, let slip that the Weasley boy will not be moved until the thirtieth of this month." Corban Yaxley countered

"This is a false trail. The Auror Office no longer plays any part in the protection of Ronald Weasley nor his family. Those closest to him believe we have infiltrated the Ministry." Severus explained

"Well, they've got that right, then, 'aven't they?" Antonin Dolohov cackled, others joining in

Voldemort raised a hand, making all go silent, "Where will he be taken? The boy?"

"To a safehouse. Likely the home
of someone in the Order. I'm told it has been given every manner of protection possible. Once there, it will be impractical to attack him during the summer. We may have compromised the Ministry, but there are those who remain loyal to him. As long as the Ministry stands, his allies within will have the means at their disposal to insure his safety." Severus said

"My Lord, if I might, I'd like to volunteer myself for this task. I'd like to kill the boy." Bellatrix volunteered

"No need, I already know a way." The Dark Lord said, moving his attention to the twitching body in front of him, "For those of you who do not know, we are joined tonight by Miss Charity Burbage who until recently taught at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Her specialty was Muggle studies. It is Miss Burbage's belief that Muggles are not so different from us. She would, given her way, have us submit to them and their ways. I, of course, take a contrary view. But we're all civilized here. All adults. We can agree to disagree.

Charity's tear-streaked face revolved once more to face Snape, her voice hoarse with fear, "Severus, please. We're friends-"

Snape's face remained impassive.

"Avada Kedavra!" The Dark Lord cast before looking to his familiar, "Nagini, dinner."


Across England, the Weasley family was hectically moving around the Burrow.

The family of seven children and two parents and one pet rat hurriedly packed their essential belongings as they prepared to leave their home and go live somewhere else to stay ahead of the Death Eaters tracking Ron.

Meanwhile, Ginny was packing in her room, seeing an unusual book among the school books she had recently bought.

She picked up the black leather journal and saw the name "Tom Marvolo Riddle" embroidered in gold in the front bottom right of it.

Ginny looked at it curiously, she didn't remember buying this nor did she know anyone by that name.

Shrugging, she put it in her suitcase, she had always wanted to try her hand at being an artist, maybe she'd become good enough to get out of Ron's shadow.


The Dark Lord made his way through the cramped Tonks House, careful not to wake anyone up.

He passed the sleeping group of six children (Bill, Nymphadora, Charlie, Percy, Fred, and George) that had assembled for a sleepover and let them be: he never attacked children unless they attacked first, the infant he was after would be the only ...

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He passed the sleeping group of six children (Bill, Nymphadora, Charlie, Percy, Fred, and George) that had assembled for a sleepover and let them be: he never attacked children unless they attacked first, the infant he was after would be the only exception to this rule.

Making his way into the room that held a temporary crib, he pointed his wand at the red headed baby boy named Ronald Weasley, "Avada Kedavra."

Green light appeared from the end of the long, yew wand but Ron was protected by a magical shield causing the spell bounced back and hit its caster before he had time to move.

And to that Lord Voldemort was dead.


Or so the Order has thought, until the Dark Lord had returned a few years ago, so now the Weasley Family moves around and didn't stay anywhere longer than a month.

There had been several close calls where they had barely been able to get away, but so far they had evaded capture.

And now with the Ministry slowly but surely falling to the Dark, the Order could trust nobody but each other.

Soon enough, the family of nine arrived at the Longbottom House were Augusta lived alone, her son and daughter-in-law permanently living in Saint Mungos after they had been rendered insane by the LeStranges.

No one had been able to prove that it had been them, but the Order knew, especially since the LeStranges frequently donated to the hospital.


Ron groaned as he packed his things, he hated all this moving around, why couldn't Voldemort stay dead?

He picked up his pet rat and complained as he couldn't find Scabbers' cage.

Grumbling, The-Boy-Who-Didn't-Die put the obese rat in his pocket and grabbed his suitcase...

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