The Inner Darkness...

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A/N: Hey, so if any of you guys like Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji I now have a story up that takes place after season two of the anime!

Narrator's POV

In 1931, six year old Tom Marvolo Riddle sat alone in his room in Wool's Orphanage.

Currently, Mrs. Cole was trying to get him a permanent roommate so he wouldn't have a room to himself anymore since they were running out of space.

Tom didn't want to share a room, but knew he had no say in the matter.

So, across from his own bed was the bed of David Smith, a boy his age that was very annoying.

David was much taller than Tom and built like a horse, he was very dumb but acted as if he was a genius and snored as loudly as a helicopter.

And, to make it worse, David loved to bulky the children who were smaller than him, which was just about everyone his age and younger.

It had been a week since David had been moved into Tom's room and Tom hadn't gotten more than an hour or two of sleep all week because of his snoring, just as David did now on this would-be quiet nigh.

"Kill him, my future Lord, take back what is rightfully yours." A dark voice whispered in his head

"Who are you?" The six year old boy asked, whispering to not wake David and risk being hurt

"I am the Darkness in the hearts of all those like yourself. I am Dark Magic and you will one day be my favorite acolyte, my Dark Lord." The genderless voice answered, "You will be the strongest magical being in history when you are trained, but for now, your raw magic will be enough."

"What do I do?" Tom softly asked, standing and walking towards David's bed

"Place your hand over his heart, imagine it in your mind." The Darkness instructed, "Do you see it, beating and strong?"

"I see it." Tom confirmed, his voice barely audible

"Now, imagine the blood moving so fast it doesn't delivered the oxygen the body needs, imagine the heart's pace increasing until it explodes." Dark Magic whispered

Tom did as told, David's heart exploding right out of his chest and leaving a hole,
Blood spatter covering the bed, walls, ceiling and even getting onto Tom.

Tom cringed as the splatter got on him, feeling the warning blood and heart matter on his face.

The six year old boy licked his lips out of instinct, tasting the metallic string of blood and smiling.

He looked at himself in his small mirror and saw the blood on his body and clothes magically disappear.

Knowing what to do, he crawled into bed and fell asleep almost instantly, getting a good night of sleep for the first time in a long while.

The next morning, Tom was awoken by the sound of Rosa the orderly screaming when she came to wake them for pre-breakfast chores.

Within minutes, a doctor was called in and Tom was asked if he had heard anything wrong with David during the night —Tom knew nothing, of course.

And poor David's death was simply put down to be the freak accident of a faulty heart.


A few years later, in 1935, the ten year old Tom Marvolo Riddle was once gain given a roommate: a boy his age named Michael Stevens who was by all means a very average boy with nothing significant about him, he just was.

Which of course meant he wa stage favorite of the orderlies and Mrs. Cole because he wasn't special nor a troublemaker.

One afternoon, a couple wanting a child visited the orphanage inquiring for a child that wasn't yet a teenager but didn't need constant supervision.

The couple, Mr. and Mrs. Jensen, were directed towards the ten year olds, in fact, Rosa, the orderly, claimed to know the exact perfect child for them.

She opened the door to Tom and Michael's Room and led the Jensen's inside.

Mr. Jensen immediately was drawn towards Michael, inquiring about his hobbies and receiving the normal answers of playing outside and sports.

"Who's this little boy?" Mrs. Jensen asked, looking at Tom

"That's Tom." Rosa answered, "he's a strange boy, nothing but bad luck, I'd say, he's surrounded by death."

Tom frowned at her words and watched as Mrs. Jensen looked at him with a pitied glance, shrugged, and went over to talk to Michael.

Tom pulled his knees towards himself, knowing this would be the tenth sabotaged adoption he would have, knowing how the orphanage staff prevented him from being adopted and instead pointed potential parents towards the 'normal' kids.

Soon he would be a teenager and his fate would be sealed: no one adopts a teenager, he would just age out of the system when he hit eighteen.

"Non-magicals hate what they do not understand, my Dark Lord, they do not understand your superiority." The Darkness comforted, "But you claim a victory over Rosa still, tonight, be rid of the boy just as you be rid of David."

Tom smiled and do so that night —since Michael would have to spend the night while his guardianship was passed over to the Jensens— and watched happily the next morning as the Jensens were called to be informed that Michael's heart had stopped beating during the night as he had been overly excited to be adopted.


Incidents likes these followed Tom as he grew and attended Hogwarts: from the bullying to the orphanage to the bullying at school from every house.

After all, Slytherin was the hated house so that pinned the three other houses against him and then he was believed to be a Mudblood, which pinned his own house against him.

The other houses though, stopped bullying him as he grew to be known as the smartest in school as well as most attractive and became Prefect and Head Boy.

But he had shed Slytherins bullying early on: by making an example of a few people as he learned Dark Magic from the source itself and became a Dark Lord at last...

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