The Diary...

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Warning: Teenage! Diary Horcrux! Tom has sexual thoughts about Tween! Harry

A/N: Italics means Flashbacks/Newspapers and This is Parseltongue

Sorry this so short, just getting over a bit of writer's block.

Narrator's POV

Harry Potter skipped out of his room when he heard it magically unlock, showing that the meeting was over and it was safe for him walk around.

He instantly went to the meeting room, seeing Nagini eating something really big, he couldn't tell what it was because it was almost swallowed —but that didn't concern Harry.

Harry sat on Tom's lap, hugging him.

Tom began stroking Harry's raven hair as the latter asked why he wasn't allowed to be outside of his room when a meeting takes place.

"Because some of my followers are idiots, love, and none of them know about you. If they found you wondering around they might hurt you." Tom explained

"Oh." Harry muttered


Across England, the Weasleys were hiding out with the Longbottoms.

The family of gingers had basically taken over the manor from old Augusta Longbottom, her only family —her son and daughter-in-law— permanently living at Saint Mungos.

But even then, no one paid Ginny much attention, leaving the eleven year old to do whatever she pleased.

Ginny looked inside her room's fireplace, king since extinguished in the summer heat, and pulled out a piece of charcoal.

She opened the diary she had found and began to doodle random things when she noticed the things she had drawn disappeared.

Very curious, she flipped through the pages to search for them but found nothing.

Hugging unhappily, she returned to the first page and found words waiting for her, "Hello, my name is Tom Riddle. How have you come across my diary?"

"It appeared in my school shopping. My name is Ginny Weasley." Ginny wrote back


Inside the diary, the horcrux of Tom Marvolo Riddle laughed, how gullible was this stupid girl, actually believing he was a help book.

He looked to his wrist, where in orange ink read, "Hi! My name is Harry Potter."

It had been several years since the mark appeared in his wrist with no replies, meaning his little soulmate was out there, he just needed to find him.

After all, Borgin had written in the diary a few times —just enough to keep him updated but unfortunately not enough to leech his soul— so he knew that his older self had been defeated, by an infant no less.

And a weakling like his older self had become was undeserving of a soulmate nor the title of Dark Lord —assuming he was still alive thanks to the horcruxes.

Tom would use Ginny's soul to become solid, and once he did he would find Harry and take over where the original left off.

He quickly wrote to Ginny, asking her if she had ever heard of Harry Potter

"Yes, he's in my brother, Ron's, year at school, he's a Slytherin I think." Ginny replied

Tom smirked, that was perfect, once he became solid he would snatch his little soulmate away during his leave and take him with him.

And to the rest of the world it would seem like poor Ginny and Harry disappeared, after all, Harry wouldn't be returning to school, he didn't need to be educated to bare children.

Tom liked the thought of that, imagining slamming into his little soulmate's tightness —the younger still being so tight even after preparation—, breeding him, it made his pants horribly uncomfortable.

With a sigh, he forced himself to ignore the discomfort and write back to Ginny, pretending to be her friend so he could steal away her soul.


The summer was horribly short and the students and staff of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry soon reopened for another year...

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