Ch. 7: Jealous

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Normal POV

Celeste heads downstairs and realizes its Sunday. She has no school, but has work in a hour. She decides to make breakfast and eat before she leaves. Then she gets her work clothes on. When she is done, she walks out of her room, but gets scared as she sees Loki. "What the hell? Can you knock?", she asks.

 "What the hell? Can you knock?", she asks

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"Wow..I feel so loved", Loki said. "Sorry, you scared me and I cant stay long. I have work", she says, walking past him. Loki glitches and turns to face her. "Why are you wearing that? That is a short skirt", Loki said. "Its what I have to wear. They say I have to for this job", she said. "But..its very revealing. They dont need to be looking at you", Loki argued. Celeste was shocked and she went up to Loki and touched his face. "Loki...i wont let anyone touch me or do anything like that to me. I..Im.. yours anyways so.. my body belongs", Celeste said while blushing. Loki blushed and tried kissing her. He grabbed her waist and Celeste blushed hard. Even if she couldnt feel his actual lips, she thought of them and how they felt against hers. They parted and Loki said he loves her. "I love you too".

*Knock Knock* A knock was heard and Loki disapeared as Celeste anwsered the door. "Hey Sam". "Hey, so I came to drive you to work". "Thank you, but it doesnt start until 45 minutes", Celeste said. "Well..I just thought id get here early. Also, I wont be able to pick you up when you get off. My dad has a thing for me to go to. So I cant miss it". Celeste is shocked and felt sad. She would have to walk home in the dark alone. "Thats fine, I have an idea of getting home", she lied. "Okay, good. I dont want you to get hurt", he said as he petted her head. "So...I gotta use the bathroom. Where is it?", Sam asked. "Upstairs to the left", Celeste said. When Sam left, Loki reappeared.

"Who is that?", he asked a bit mad

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"Who is that?", he asked a bit mad. "Thats Sam. He's my friend", she said. " that..the bully? You are friends with your bully?", Loki almost shouted. Celeste sighed and told Loki it wasnt a big deal. "And why does he put his hands on you like that?". "Loki..he's only a friend. He only touched my head. If it was more, I would be worried". Loki narrowed his eyes and said he didnt like him. "Well I never asked you too". Loki got mad and said, "whatever". He then vanished and Celeste felt sad. Loki has never been so mad at her before. She wonders if he will be nice the next time they meet. "You ready?", Sam asks as he came out from the bathroom. Celeste snapped out of it and nodded. "Yeah". They went and got in the car, then drove to the diner.


It had been 10:00 pm. It was dark out and Celeste had to close up the diner. She finished cleaning and putting things away. She got the key and locked up. She then began walking home. She was basically 4 miles from her home. She knew she could get home safely. She made it past the first block and began feeling scared as people were outside. They were smoking and drinking. She looked away and continued walking. She made it, but didnt realize that she was being followed. She got to the stop light and a car came into view. They drove around and she became cautious. She waited for the cars to go by and for the walk light to turn on. "Dont move". She heard a male voice behind her and she screamed. The man covered her mouth and dragged her in the alleyway.

"Oh shut up you bitch", the man said

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"Oh shut up you bitch", the man said. He held her to the wall and began laughing. Celeste felt scared as she saw the man. He looked to be in his fourties. He had a creepy grin. "Let me go", she said. "No honey, you cant get away with it when you look that nice", he said, whispering in her ear. Celeste knew what he meant. Her skirt was short. She knew Loki was right. She dressed too flashy. Celeste pushed the man off her, but he had grabbed her hair and tried to keep her from running. "No one is here to save you. You got nowhere to hide. So relax and let me handle you", the man said as he licked his lips. Celeste narrowed her eyes and told him to get off her. He refused and she knew she had to do something. She punched the man and he hit her back harder. Celeste fell back and the man tried to rip her clothes off. "STOP, GET OFF!". Celeste knew she was about to be raped. She had no choice. She had to use her powers. She was just worried it would kill the guy. But in this sense, she didnt care.

"Let her go!". Celeste's eyes widened as she heard a voice. The old guy turned his head as he heard it. "Who's there?", he said. Suddenly a large thud was heard and a figure stood in the shadows. "Whoever you are, get out of here, Im working here", the man said.

"I said

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"I said...let her go!", the figure said getting closer. Celeste's eyes widened as she saw someone in a red mask. "Get out of here kid, you have no business being here. Play hero somewhere else", the old man said. " asked for it", the masked guy said. Thats when he shot something towards the old guy, making him stick to the wall. "Get me out of here!", the man yelled. "Oh dont worry, you will when the cops show up", the masked man said. Celeste was shocked and got a good look at the guy. "Hey...are you...Spiderman?", she asked. The guy nodded and told her she was safe now. Sirens suddenly were heard and he grabbed her by his waist, carrying her through the sky. "Ahh!". Celeste hung on for dear life and thought it was so amazing. The wind blowing in her face, and the feeling of her stomach as she went up. She was scared of heights, but enjoyed the moment and laughed. When they got near her home, he put her down. "You are safe now, remember to be careful ma'm. Dont want you getting hurt", Spiderman said. Celeste smiled and he was about to leave, but she stopped him. "Wait..who are you?", she asked. "Im afraid I cant tell you that. Im just..Spiderman", he says, then leaves in the air. Celeste watched as he left and got excited. She knew by looking at him, his powers were real. There is no way it could be fake. She had been excited, another person like her, with..a gift, was on Earth. She wanted to find out who this person was. She wanted to know his story and if she was the only one. She went inside her house and quickly got on her computer to look up information on the guy who calls himself Spiderman.

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