6 - Instinct

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Sung sat up in his chambers and looked over at his clock. 148 hours since they'd taken off. A little over 6 days, at least by the craft's internal time.

They were still far out, though they were headed for a place to stock up on supplies, and were estimated to arrive in another day or two. Sung was glad; he didn't know how much longer he could bear the disgusting scraps he was being forced to eat.

A knock on his door caught his attention and with a stretch he got up to see who it was. Sliding open the door he was greeted by Nad's ever infectious smile as he gazed up at him.

"Morning, Nad. What is it?" Sung asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"I came to tell you breakfast is almost ready. Meouch found some eggs!" Nad chirped happily.

"Oh, okay. I'll just get ready then, see you in a few?"


Nad backed up and was off down the corridor with a smile, humming to himself cheerily. Ever since Sung had given him a wheelchair to get around he was noticeably happier. And mischievous, what with his apparent aptitude for the chair and insistence on racing up and down the halls as he pleased. At least Brian was usually with him and stopped him from hurting himself.

A few minutes later Sung walked into the main dining hall of the craft. He smiled to see all his crew mates sat at the benches waiting - even Havve, though he had no need for food. The smell of eggs wafted in from the small kitchen to the side, and Sung raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"If you're all in here, who's cooki-"

"Brian! No, put the knife down! We don't need a knife to make eggs!"

"Nad insisted," Phobos shrugged.

Sung sighed, poking his head into the kitchen. They were at least frying the eggs correctly, though Nad was now desperately trying to snatch a large knife out of Brian's tight grasp. His height disadvantage made it nearly impossible, however, as Brian seemed strangely drawn to the utensil and refused to give it up.

"Careful, you don't want to cut yourselves," Sung warned as he stepped inside.

Both heads snapped in his direction, one gaze fiery with hostility and the other bright and cheerful. Sung couldn't help but feel cautious as he saw Brian's grip tighten on the knife; he was still adjusting to the crew, though Nad seemed to trust them all blindly at this point.

"I've got enough cuts, what's one more?" exclaimed Nad with a grin.

Sung glared at him and the young boy flinched under the expression. His smile dropped. "Kidding."

"Well you should still be careful. Speaking of, how are they?" Sung continued, allowing his stern expression to mellow again.

"My cuts? Fine, just a bit sore sometimes."

"You shouldn't be moving around so much then, you might open some of them back up and make them worse."

"Yeah yeah, whatever. Hey, how about you stop nagging at me and help me get this knife off Brian?"

Sung rolled his eyes but obliged, coming forward and grabbing Brian's wrist quickly so he could hold him still and take the knife safely. Having become somewhat distracted by Nad speaking, Brian didn't notice Sung's approach and, luckily for Sung, gave up the knife easily. He looked anything but happy about it as Sung placed it to the side, but he didn't retaliate.

"Now, let's dish up these eggs before they burn," Sung announced, moving on swiftly.

"Aw yeah! I'm starving!"

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