9 - It's Happening Again

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Nad giggled as Meouch's mouth fell open, speechless.

"Amazing, isn't it?" the boy exclaimed, spinning around to show off his fixed leg.

"It is. But how?" Phobos asked.

"I used my ge-"

"Actually, it was me." Sung cut him off quickly.

Both Meouch and Phobos stared at him incredulously.

"Really? What did you do?"

"Uh, the explanation would be lost on you; you're not doctors," Sung waved off, feeling his face grow hot as he hoped they wouldn't push his lie.

Thankfully the two crew mates simply shrugged it off and donned smiles as they congratulated Nad on being able to walk again. Nad grinned wide, obviously basking in the attention. Eventually, however, Meouch and Phobos dispersed; they needed to get ready for takeoff before they got fined for parking for too long.

When they'd left, only Havve remained. His dark sockets stared impassively at Sung for a moment, and then his head tilted to the side with a clunk.

"You are lying."

"Excuse me?" Sung asked with a cocked eyebrow.

"You are lying," the robot repeated, "You did not mend Nad's leg."

He took a threatening step closer to the two of them.

"Sung doesn't lie. If... If he says he fixed me, then he did," Nad protested.

"You are not a good liar."

Nad fell silent and even took a step back towards Sung. Brian was there too, but he seemed to be simply watching the exchange with curious eyes. Sung suspected that he was probably wary of Havve - but who could blame him, the robot did have quite a threatening appearance. His eyes sparked up suddenly and a ray of blue light traveled over Nad's body, scanning him.

"What are you doing to me?" Nad whined fearfully.

"You have the unknown object that Doctor Sung has been in possession of," Havve stated before Sung could try to comfort Nad, and his eyes dimmed to their usual dark voids. "I conclude that this object mended your leg. It would not be in your possession now if it did not have significance."

"I should've known..." Sung sighed, and Havve's head snapped to him.

"Am I correct?"

"Yeah, you figured it out. But I guess I should expect it by now, what with you being a robot and all."

"Indeed, my brain is far more advanced than yours."

"Colloquial term. You don't have a brain."

"My inner components are too intricate for you to understand. I use the term because it makes sense to you."

"What are you guys talking about?" chimed in Nad, confused.

Sung gave a chuckle, having almost forgotten that the boy was there.

"Nothing important. Oh, and Havve, please don't mention any of this to the other two," he said to the robot with a serious expression.

"I will not tell Meouch or Phobos that the unknown object mended Nad's leg," Havve agreed.

"Good. Now, Nad, how's about we go and make that necklace for you?"

"Oh yeah! Let's do it!" Nad jumped happily.

They turned to leave when Havve spoke up again.

"Are you making the unknown object into a necklace?"

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