27 - The Truth

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Shadows surrounded him on all sides. There was no light but for the faint blue glow of his gem. It didn't do much for his situation at all. Try as he might, he couldn't exert any power here. All he could so was walk aimlessly and hope that he found his way out, somehow. How did he even get here? He couldn't remember.

"Sung! Meouch! Brian!" Nad shouted, "Where are you? Where am I?!"

Suddenly, he spotted something in the distance. A point of light. He sprinted towards it excitedly, relieved. The light expanded, and Nad soon found himself emerging from the darkness into a street. He paused, confused, and looked around him. The shadowed abyss was no longer behind him, instead there were buildings, squat and cozy looking. It was dark out, the only light from a blue-white lantern hanging from a post above him. They were dotted evenly down the street, lighting the area in a soft glow that Nad found comforting. It reminded him of his gem.

Running footsteps made him jump. He spun around, seeing a girl sprinting straight for him. He cried out in shock, but she didn't bump into him. Instead, she passed right through him, sending an odd cooling sensation through his chest which had him shivering. He turned to watch her run away, long white hair flowing behind her. He gasped.


Nad took off after her, not knowing exactly how he recognised her, but knowing that he didn't want to let her go again. The girl turned her head over her shoulder and smiled at him in the streetlanterns' glow.

"Hurry up, Nadiel! Before they realise we're gone!"

Nad opened his mouth, about to ask why she called him that, when someone else spoke behind him instead.

"Hold on, your legs are longer than mine!"

He skidded to a halt in surprise, and a second later someone else passed through him. A boy, a little smaller than he was and with a mop of white hair not so unlike Nira's, but shorter. After giving another shiver, Nad shook his head and decided to continued to follow them. Maybe they could tell him where he was.

The three of them eventually left the buildings behind, and instead they were enveloped by trees. Nad couldn't help but laugh along with them as they ran along the winding woodland trail, filled with a new spark of energy. He watched as Nira ducked and leapt over branches with ease, and Nadiel would mimic her movements with noticeably less grace. At one point he even tripped, falling into a pile of crinkling leaves. Nira laughed, jogging back and helping him up. She brushed off his knees for him and picked specks of dirt out of his hair.

"I'm not a baby!" whined Nadiel, slapping her away, "I can do it myself!"

"You're still my little brother. Come on, hold still."

Nad slowed down as he caught up with them. He panted a little from running, happy to take a breather. Neither Nira or Nadiel looked at him, too preoccupied with each other.

"That was fun," Nad said with a smile, "Where are we?"

Nira continued to pick undergrowth out of her brother's hair while he frowned in childish displeasure. Again, they paid Nad no attention whatsoever.

"Hey," he spoke up a little, confused.


"Hey, why are you ignoring--" He reached out to tap Nira's shoulder, when he caught sight of his arm.

It was translucent. He placed his hands over his eyes experimentally, and sure enough he could still see his surroundings. No wonder they'd ran through him.

Nadiel finally grew impatient with Nira, and moved away, insisting he was okay.

"Come on, let's make the most of our time before we get caught!"

Between the Black and Grey (Starlight Brigade AU)Where stories live. Discover now