8 - Mine

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Sung stared, mouth hanging open, at the boy in front of him who, just seconds ago, had been unable to stand. He spluttered for words, but none came to him. Nad himself didn't seem all that phased, and actually frowned at Sung's reaction.

"W-What ha-" Sung finally managed, but he was cut off.

All at once Brian jumped up, slapping the gemstone from Nad's grasp and sending it careening to the floor before forcing him back to the furthest wall.

"Brian! What're you doing?" Nad cried.

In reply Brian jabbed a finger at the gem on the floor, staring into Nad's eyes seriously. Sung cautiously stepped away from the gem too, unclear what was going on.

"It's not bad! What do you mean?" Nad continued, struggling to get out of Brian's tight hold.

"Hey, let him go," said Sung as he finally found his voice again.

The mute spun around, releasing Nad in the process but pulling a knife on Sung and pointing it threateningly. Sung recognised it as one from the kitchen. He backed away quickly, but Brian cornered him, edging closer with a gaze full of violent intention. Sung reached for his gun, but Brian spotted the move easily and made one of his own.

In the space of a second he got Sung's hands behind his back, holding him tightly with one hand while the knife was pressed to his neck, daring him to try again. Sung took the dare.

He kicked back, striking Brian's ankle with his foot and causing him to lose his footing. He took that chance to slip from his grasp, pushing the hand that wielded the knife away first to free himself. There was a pulse of neon light as he brandished his own weapon, pointing the gun at Brian. The mute stopped dead in his tracks, eyeing the gun with caution.

"Drop the knife," Sung said sternly, not taking any chances.

Brian did just that, though Sung made the mistake of seeing this as submission. The second he let his guard down the masked man charged like a bull. The gun was ripped from Sung's hand and sent flying, and he fell with Brian on top of him. The back of his head struck the metal paneled floor with a sickening crack and his vision flickered for a moment. Through the haze he heard an ear-splitting cry.


Sung's vision cleared and his attention fell on Nad, and his eyes went wide.

He was stood a few places away, the gem once again in his hand. Only this time it did a lot more than mend his broken leg. Electric sparks surrounded him, his hair moving on the currents of conjured wind as it stood on end. His usually gentle eyes were points of angry flame, flaring up as he shouted, and his voice seemed to echo from a faraway place.

"Get off him, Brian," he ordered.

Brian didn't move for a moment, but his decision was made when one of the sparks was sent his way, purposefully only missing him by a hair. Sung rubbed the back of his head as Brian let him go and he could sit up. He watched Nad in a mixture of amazement and fear, and was glad when he dropped the gem. His hair fell down again and the sparks disappeared. After a few deep breaths he seemed to realise what had just happened, and covered his mouth with both hands.

"Oh my god..." he muttered, eyeing the scorch mark on the wall just behind Brian.

He took a step forward, outstretching a hand feebly towards his friend. Guilty tears brimmed in his now cool eyes, "B-Brian, I didn't mean to..."

Sung watched as if from behind a screen as Brian closed the gap between the two of them. His eyes were stone cold as always, and Sung wondered what he was thinking. Suddenly he grabbed Nad.

Between the Black and Grey (Starlight Brigade AU)Where stories live. Discover now