29 - Morpher

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It was the matter of another few very confusing and hazy hours for Sung's mind to piece itself back together. When it did, he sat up and tried to figure out what the hell he actually did. He didn't remember much; the everything he'd experienced made a lot less sense now that his head was back to normal.

Meouch said he'd flown them out of danger. But for how long? This endless game of cat and mouse was beginning to get old. They definitely needed a vacation when this was over.

With a surprising lack of difficulty Sung stood up. He didn't feel dizzy, sick, weak, or anything of that sort - not like the excruciatingly slow recovery after his almost-death, he seemed completely fine. He left his room, wondering why everything was so silent. Where was everyone?

Sung stopped in his tracks.

Now that the adrenaline of getting away had subsided, he suddenly felt that absence in his heart again, aching for what they'd left behind.


Why hadn't he used Nad's gem to save him? Nad had managed to save him from his death, why didn't he think to do the same? He was so selfish! He'd saved his own skin instead.

Without hesitation Sung headbutted the wall, not caring it'd probably leave a nasty bruise. What kind of friend am I?

A terrible one, that's what.

He sighed shakily, closing his eyes to try and block out the oh so vivid memory of his final glimpse of Phobos. Before he was swallowed up by the spiders, and before Meouch had dragged him away. Speaking of that, he still needed to ask Meouch about Angus. He resolved to check on Nad first, and then talk to Meouch. As he walked down the ebony corridor he wondered if Nad had come out of his trance yet; they also had a lot to discuss.

Brian greeted him at the door as he knocked, beckoning him inside. Sung paused as he caught sight of Nad, and held his breath. The boy was sat on the edge of his bed, and if it wasn't for his vacant eyes Sung would have thought he was alert again. Sung looked over at Brian.

"Has anything changed at all?" he asked.

Brian shook his head, his usually stern eyes holding a deep sadness. Sung sighed. Not only did this seriously hinder their chances of survival if the spiders caught up with them, but Sung couldn't help but wonder if Nad would come out of his trance unscathed. He suspected it had something to do with Yzus' flickering, and god knows Sung was having trouble digesting the information himself, so how would Nad's already fragile psyche fare? If past expereiences were anything to go by, it wouldn't be good.

Behind him he heard the door open again, and turned to see Meouch and Widget walking in, with Havve standing just outside. Shock painted their features, molding into relieved smiles as they came forward and hugged Sung tight.

"How are you feeling, bud?" Meouch asked.

"More or less back to normal. Still struggling to grasp everything that's happened, though."

"That makes two of us," exclaimed Widget, "I mean, what in the flip just happened?"

Sung glanced over at Nad thoughtfully.

"Maybe we should go somewhere private to... talk things over," he suggested, beckoning Brian as they turned to leave.

The mute moved away from Nad reluctantly, but Sung could see that even he knew there was nothing he could do to help his friend. They just had to hope he'd come out of it himself.

Sung lead them to the observatory, the only sound their echoing footsteps and the gentle pulsing of the walls. He leant back against one of the walls, tilting his head back to look up at the stars with a heavy sigh.

Between the Black and Grey (Starlight Brigade AU)Where stories live. Discover now