19 - Destination

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"So, where are we headed again?" Meouch asked as he wolfed down his portion of cereal.

"Far away from those freaks, I hope," grumbled Widget over his own bowl.

"Nad won't say much. I'm not sure he even knows where we're going," shrugged Sung.

He placed his bowl down on the black table, pulling up a matching chair and trying to ignore how its legs seemed to slide through the very floor they were embedded in.

"Wait, really? We've been flying for four days with no destination?!" Meouch cried.

"Commander, stop talking with your mouth full." Phobos grimaced as he sat down, "And maybe you should stop after that bowl, you've had three servings..."

"Hey, I'm three times your size!" the lion protested.

"You didn't eat this much on the craft."

"That's because we didn't have this much food! Where's Nad getting all this?"

"He's making it, like everything else here." Sung glanced around at the high ceiling and intricate blue patterns of light and that swirled on the walls.

Meouch swallowed his current mouthful and looked down at his breakfast.

"Nad made this with his mind?" he said slowly.

"As far as I know."

"Sweet, brain food!" He continued eating.

Sung smirked to himself as Meouch unknowingly used the human phrase. The smirk went as quickly as it came, however, as Sung thought once again of home. It was still on his mind four days later. Not only was he thinking of Earth, but he also couldn't shake the persistent memories of the craft. It still didn't quite feel real that they'd left it behind.

At that moment footsteps echoed from around the corner and Nad walked in. He looked like he'd only just crawled out of bed, white hair in utter disarray, but his eyes were bright as ever as he waltzed in with Brian in tow.

"Good morning!" he exclaimed happily as he sat down.

Everyone replied with equal fervour, except Widget who had been sporting a gradually worsening sour mood over the past few days. His leg, despite Sung's best efforts, was not healing well and that was probably causing him a lot of pain.

Nad closed his eyes for a moment, and conjured from a brief glow of his gem appeared a bowl of cereal, forming somehow from the material of the table. Sung, along with everyone else, stared in awe as Nad also brandished a spoon and tucked in like it was nothing.

After a moment of silence Nad noticed them all and raised an eyebrow, "What's wrong?"

"How do you do that?" Meouch asked, earning a sideways glare from Phobos as he didn't swallow before speaking again.

"I don't know what you mean."

"We want to know how to make things out of nothing," Sung said and gestured to Nad's bowl for emphasis.

"Oh, it just happens. I think about what I want, and it appears," the boy shrugged, "It's nothing, really."

"That's a buncha nonsense if I've ever heard it," growled Widget from across the table.

"I'm sorry?" retorted Nad with an innocent and slightly hurt expression.

"You expect me to believe that you just think up all this?" The irritated mechanic gestured around the room dramatically. "Well, I'm not buyin' it. You got some explaining to do, pipsqueak."

"I-I'm telling you, I don't know how I do it," Nad defended.

"Yeah right. I s'ppose you don't know what these freaks that gave me this scratch are either, huh?"

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