The First Step

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As days passed by Mina and I started to get closer and closer, we also were put on the same team several times and we've become real close, I still have these feelings for her but since we have been very busy with all the training I was able to control them somehow and be close to her without me looking so obvious or at least that's what I thought.
One night while laying on my bed I started to think about all these new feelings within me, I was getting obsessed over them, so I grabbed my phone and did some research, I read all kind of stuff on the internet and I found a web where they even recommended same sex love movies, after reading all these stuff and even illegally watching some movies, I was more sure and convinced that the feelings I had towards Mina were in fact romantic feelings, now, how can I explain this to Mina, how would she react if I ever confess this to her? Will she be scared? Will she hate me?
No, I couldn't let her know my true feelings, I must keep this as a secret, a secret I must protect at least until I find the right time to tell her all of the things I feel inside me.

Lately SIXTEEN is getting real hard, we've been working a lot and I think I have aged just by all the stress I've been through these days, the only thing that keeps me going is the fact that I have spent more time with Chaeyoung, we've been talking and hanging out a lot more, I think now we know each other better and we can talk about many things. Of course spending time with my other friends also makes me happy but I think it's a different kind of happy. I've been put in the same team as Chaeyoung and we're practicing our routine very hard even until very late at night almost everyday, even though we end up exhausted we still laugh and have fun when we finish our practice, who would have guessed that just watching her smile would make me feel this happy.

 I've been put in the same team as Chaeyoung and we're practicing our routine very hard even until very late at night almost everyday, even though we end up exhausted we still laugh and have fun when we finish our practice, who would have guessed ...

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There are still many unanswered questions in my head but I really don't want to mess this up, all this progress I've made with Chaeyoung, I want to keep it and I don't want to do anything that could put all this in danger.
Everyday I try to put my thoughts in order but I still can't accept or believe the fact that I might have feelings for Chaeyoung.

"Mina-yah why are you serious? Are you angry? Who was it? Who made you angry? Let's go fight them!"

I heard all these questions while I was still drowned on my thoughts, when I raised my eyes I saw Jeongyeon looking at me with a concern look in her face, was I being too obvious again?

-Mina:No, I was just thinking about something.
-Jeongyeon:What is it? You can tell me anything, are you worried about your routine?

As I looked at Jeongyeon again I felt like I could trust her, I don't know if it was this protective aura she had and I don't know if what I'm about to do is right or not or if my friendship with Jeongyeon is going to change after I tell her all that I've been thinking all this time, but I desperately needed to talk to someone about this, I needed an external opinion of what these feelings meant and I was ready to risk it all to find out. And for some reason Jeongyeon seemed to be the right person to talk about this.

-Mina:Jeongyeon can I talk to you about something?...

Hello everyone thank you for reading until the end, I don't know what your thoughts about my story are but remember this is the FIRST time I ever write something. Also English isn't my native language so sorry for any mistakes... About my story, I wanted to make a "realistic" kind of story, you know, an scenario of what could "really" happen between Mina and Chaeyoung. Also, I wanted to add more ships but then it would have gotten reaaal long lol. Btw did you catch the little hints I left for you to find? :)
Oh yeah, at the end I decided to end it with a cliffhanger (sorry). Anyway if people like this I will continue this story. Let's see how it goes *cold sweat*. But Whatever happens. THANK YOU FOR READING MY FIRST STORY ♡
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