Is The End Near?

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When I suddenly received a text from Mina my heart stopped for a second and I literally screamed, I was so happy that she was feeling good enough to go out but most importantly she didn't forget about our "date" she actually thought that I've forgotten about it, her text was so cute, she doesn't write with a lot of emojis but somehow her text are so sweet, maybe because I imagine her voice with every word I read.
I'm really looking forward to go out with Mina not only because I want to see her again but because I have something really important to ask her, this question could change everything, at least for me...

With all that happened last night with Momo I really needed this free day to go out and breathe so I invited one of the other contestants out, I've been hanging a lot with this girl lately and she's also younger than me just like Chaeyoungie, I don't know why but it seems like I've been hanging around younger girls a little too much.
The name of this girl is Chou Tzuyu and she's from Taiwan, I've became very interested in her, when I heard her background story it really made me feel somewhat sad, this girl being this young left her family and friends to pursue her dream in a different country with a different language, must have been really hard, I can't imagine myself being away from my family for a long time so I really admire all the foreign trainees.
I remember when I just met Tzuyu, I thought she was beautiful and very tall but we didn't talk much plus we were in different groups so we competed against each other often, I noticed she was afraid of me one day when we were participating in SIXTEEN. I never imagined someone would be scared of me so I kind of thought it was cute. When I saw how she looked at me like I was going to murder her right there, I had to really hold myself back not to laugh.

Of course it didn't past long until I went to talk to her, after all I don't want people to be scared of me especially not a cute girl who's younger than me like Tzuyu

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Of course it didn't past long until I went to talk to her, after all I don't want people to be scared of me especially not a cute girl who's younger than me like Tzuyu.
After we both talked properly not only me but also Jeongyeon became very good friends with her.

-Tzuyu:Unni you're late, do you realize how long I've been waiting for you!?!-Nayeon:All your life? -Tzuyu:I really don't understand what's on your mind unni

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-Tzuyu:Unni you're late, do you realize how long I've been waiting for you!?!
-Nayeon:All your life?
-Tzuyu:I really don't understand what's on your mind unni.
-Nayeon:Ah wait Tzuyah!!!! Don't leave me behind, it was a joke... But seriously, won't you give unni a greeting kiss?
-Tzuyu:Really how old are you?
-Nayeon:Wait!!! Tzuyah~!! People will think we're having a couple fight if you keep ignoring me like that.
-Tzuyu:So what do you want to buy? Why did you bring me to a mall?
-Nayeon:I don't have anything in mind, I just wanted to hang out with you, since we're promoting ourselves starting tomorrow, I thought we could start practicing.
-Tzuyu:So you made me come all the way here just to walk in circles!? Exactly, we have promotion tomorrow that's why I wanted to sleep all day today.
-Nayeon:Don't act like you're 100 years old! C'mon I'll treat you ice cream and we also should take some pictures since you look all pretty today, did you actually it for me, Tzuyah~?
-Tzuyu:Let's just take the picture fast!

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