* Eddie Vedder

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 It was a Friday afternoon. I was sitting on my couch watching some corny-ass eighties movies when I got a phone call. It was from my best friend, Chris.

"Sup bitch," I said to my friend.

"Not much. I just wanted to invite you to come to this bar tonight. I have some friends that are going to be playing that I wanted to introduce you to," Chris replied.

"A'ight, I'll be there, what time should I get there?" I questioned while going to my closet to look for something to wear.

"I want to say around... 6? 6:30-ish?" the man I had deemed "Slash Jr" responded.

"Okay, same place as always?" I asked.

"Yeah, see you there?" Chris inquired.

"Definitely," I answered.

"See you later bitch," we said at the same time before hanging up. We were huge dorks.

I wandered about my room looking for something to wear when I was finally able to decide on a pair of ripped, light blue jeans, a shirt with a dog on it, an oversized gray sweater, and some black converse. I did my makeup and checked the clock. I had half an hour to meet Chris so I grabbed my purse and walked out the door.

I walked into the bar and was immediately greeted by Slash Jr. I said hello to him and his bandmates. I was just about to start rambling about life when Chris shut me up. Before I could ask him why he just pointed at the stage and mumbled something about "the band going on." I rolled my eyes and sat there pouting until I heard the music start.

I watched the band begin to perform and I saw a gorgeous man with high cheekbones, a corduroy jacket, Doc Martens, and a black hat turned backwards. Damn. As soon as he opened his mouth my jaw dropped. He had an enchanting baritone voice that sent shivers down my spine.

I sat there in awe, my mouth now closed. He had finished three songs and the opening notes for the fourth began, he threw off his jacket to reveal a pair of tanned, well-built arms. My eyes widened and he caught my gaze. Then he winked. I felt my heart skip a beat or two and he just went back to performing.

"Enjoying the show?" Chris asked sarcastically.

I shot him a dirty look and retorted with, "Can it Cornell," before I went back to my former dazed out state. I was in heaven, just sitting here, listening to the voice of a mystery man.

The band played another song before the man, who I thought was nothing short of a siren, took off his hat and revealed his long, brown curls. I could've died right then and I would've been fine with it. He winked at me again with those damn eyes. You could practically go swimming in those eyes. I could sense that Chris was going to tease me again so I just stepped on his toes. He kept quiet.

After the show, much to my irritation, finished, Chris took my hand and walked me backstage where I was introduced to everyone except the alluring singer from earlier. Maybe I was just dreaming?

"And this," Chris began, I immediately snapped out of my daze, "is Eddie Vedder."

I looked at the man in front of me and noticed that he was much more handsome up close.

"Hello, my name's (Y/N)," I stammered.

"A beautiful name for a beautiful girl, I see," the man, now known as Eddie, mumbled and blushed.

"You're not bad either, Vedder," I said. He jumped a bit. I suppose he didn't think that I had heard him. We were now equally red.

"Say, I'll leave you two idiots to it," Chris chuckled and walked away. We were alone now. That just left us to talk amongst ourselves.

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