*Eddie Vedder 3

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I'm still alive~

"(Y/N)! Come on, we're going to be late!" Eddie whined from the living room. I groaned and told him I'd be a minute. We were going to a party. More specifically, a Halloween party.

Eddie and I had only been together for a few months so I had never experienced Halloween with him. From what I had heard though, Eddie always went all out when it came to costumes. I brushed off the rumors and didn't think much of it. Big mistake.

When I came to his house a few hours earlier, I was met with the sight of Eddie dressed up as an angel. When I first laid eyes on him, I was stunned. He looked sublime in his flowing white shirt, white pants, and wings. His halo and outfit were a beautiful contrast to his tanned skin. His regal brown curls were shiny and full and his blue eyes seemed more striking than ever before. I blushed and my heart skipped a beat.

I was zoned out as I watched Eddie walk towards me, standing on his tip-toes and snapping his fingers. I snapped out of it.

"(Y/N), I have a costume for you too!" Eddie smiled as he looked up at me with joy.

"Okay, where is it?" I asked. Eddie wordlessly guided me to his bedroom, ran out, and closed the door.

"Don't come out until you've put it on!" Eddie yelled from the hallway. I was confused but didn't question it. That was until I turned around and saw a sparkly, cherry red, vinyl devil suit. That little bastard.

After a solid ten minutes of failure, I managed to get the suit on. I sighed deeply as I looked in the mirror. I always had a bigger butt and... "chest" than most people. It earned me lots of teasing during high school. I was always insecure about it. Sadly, no matter how hard I tried or how much weight I lost, my butt and bust stayed the same.

Along with that, I was awkwardly tall. That earned me lots of teasing and odd looks. I was very self-conscious about it. Especially when my boyfriend was so much shorter than me. I was afraid he'd leave me for someone shorter and prettier. As stupid as it sounded, it was my biggest fear.

I decided that I would just say "fuck it" and go as Eddie's devil. It was only for a few hours. I put on some dark makeup and I fixed my hair before putting on my devil horn headband. Just then, Eddie told me to hurry up. I told him I was going to just be a minute and I went to see which shoes he got me. I groaned as I was met with a pair of two-inch high-heeled boots. I, once again, put up with it for Eddie's sake and zipped up the boots.

I took one last look at myself in the mirror before taking a deep breath and walking out the door. I closed my eyes as I made my way to the living room where Eddie was waiting. My eyes were closed so I didn't see his reaction but, I simply heard him say, "Okay, let's go."

The car ride was filled with obnoxious singing before we were met with the sight of Chris's house. As we pulled up, we were met with the sight of a zombified Chris being held up by steampunk-Kim and Elvis Presley-Matt as he chugged out of a keg stand.

"Shall we?" Eddie asked as he opened my door. I took his hand as he held it out and squeezed it nervously. As soon as I stepped out of the car, I saw Chris vomiting while throwing up the rock and roll horns. Eddie and I walked over to Chris and held his hair back. It was just then that everyone realized we were there and greeted us. Everyone was drunk but sweet.

"(Y/N)! Eddie! You have to meet Stacy and Louise! They're Mike and Stone's girlfriends and they're awesome!" a mummified Jeff slurred. I smiled and followed Jeff as he stumbled his way towards two girls who I assumed were Stacy and Louise.

"Stacy! Louise! Meet (Y/N) and Eddie! They're two of my besties and they're in love," Jeff giggled, drawing out the word "love." I rolled my eyes and shook the girls' hands. It didn't take long for us to realize how much we had in common. We told stories, drank, and laughed. All in all, it was fun.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2019 ⏰

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