Chris Cornell 2

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It was a quiet summer night. My boyfriend, Chris, was in the studio working on his new record. I missed him dearly but, I just had to deal with it. I would wake up to a note beside the bed and I would go to bed alone, leaving a plate with dinner and a note on the kitchen counter. The plate always disappeared and ended up clean and put away into the cabinet.

I trusted Chris wholeheartedly but, I was left with the fear that maybe he wasn't in the studio at all. He was charming and gorgeous so, it wouldn't be difficult for him to find another woman. The very thought of him with another woman sent a lump to my throat and caused my stomach to twist.

Life had been awful. Work was miserable, for none of my coworkers liked me in the slightest, my parents had disowned me once I told them I was dating a rockstar, and I hadn't even seen Chris's face for the past couple of days.

I was sitting on the balcony of my apartment, listening to the occasional chirping of crickets below me while I watched the cars go by on the nearby highway. I held the locket the held a picture of Chris and me. The picture was taken on his twenty-second birthday and the necklace was given to me when I was in the hospital after a car wreck. I thought of his soft ringlets of black hair, his striking jade eyes, and his soft bubblegum lips.

I sighed deeply as I was once more hit with the thought of impending loneliness. Had he lost interest in me? Was I enough for him? He was the first person who I had ever truly loved, I couldn't lose him. Not after I had already been cut off from my family.

I took a small sip from my glass of white wine that I had sitting beside me and began to sing to myself. It was a habit I had developed when I was little as a coping mechanism. It kept me focused on my voice as opposed to the sounds of my parents' drunken arguments.

"Summertime and the livin' is easy

Fish are jumpin' and the cotton is high

Oh, your daddy's rich and your ma is good-lookin'

So hush little baby, don't you cry

One of these mornings

You're gonna rise up singing

Yes you'll spread your wings

And you'll take to the sky

But 'til that morning

There ain't nothin' can harm you

With Daddy and Mammy standin' by

Summertime and the livin' is easy

Fish are jumpin' and the cotton is high

Oh, your daddy's rich and your ma is good-lookin'

So hush little baby, don't you cry

Oh don't you cry

Oh don't you cry

Don't you cry

Oh don't you cry," I sang softly, choking up by the end of the song. I was pathetic, and I knew it.

I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist at the end of my sorrowful song. I tensed up and jumped before I felt the familiar curls of raven hair tickling my shoulders. I was drowned in the scent of the cheap cologne I had grown to recognize and adore as Chris's scent.

"I'm so sorry," he mumbled, hugging me tighter. I turned around and quickly reciprocated, taking a deep breath and burying my face in his shirt.

We stood still, the white noise of the city night enveloping us as we gripped onto each other for dear life. For a few moments, we were so caught up in the whirlwind of emotions that we had failed to notice the gentle crying of the sky. It wasn't until we were halfway soaked that we pulled away and ran back inside our apartment.

Once we were inside, we bowed our heads, neither of us having the courage to face the other. That was until I looked up and noticed Chris's shirt was stained with my makeup. I burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" the tall man inquired. I couldn't get words out so, I merely pointed at his shirt. He looked down and was met with the vague imprint of my face on his shirt. He, too, began laughing.

After our bouts of laughter, we finally looked each other in the eye. I was met with the intimate virescent eyes that made my heart feel a certain way that I had no capability of explaining. My cheeks flushed and I acquainted my eyes with the floor once more. Eyes, they truly are windows to the soul. In Chris's eyes, I was met with a cocktail of emotions ranging from remorse to adoration.

I stared at the floor for a few moments, a deafening silence easing its way into the room once more. That was until Chris drew my face upwards to meet his. He placed a soft kiss on my lips and hugged my body closer to his. My eyes rolled back into my head as I was familiarized with the taste of his rose lips. I reciprocated his kiss and slithered my hands into his handsome mane of inky coils.

We stood in the living room, getting drunk off of each other's touches before I pulled away and lead Chris to our bedroom. Once we were met with the sight of our bed, Chris unlaced his boots and flopped on top of it. I smiled at the sight of him so fatigued. He didn't even have enough energy to take his clothes off. I pranced over to the charming man and began to undress him. He did not protest as I rid him of his clothes, leaving his boxers on, and began to strip myself of my ivory dress and bra.

When I was half-naked, I climbed into bed with Chris and curled up next to him. He seemed to get the hint because he smiled and wrapped his arms around me and began feathering kisses on my forehead. We fell asleep entangled in each other's arms, mumbling sweet nothings to one another before the serenity of sleep took over. It was in the mere minutes I had seen him that I remembered how we were still together. It was the little moments like these that I reminded how much I was truly infatuated with him.

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