*Eddie Vedder 2

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This was requested by @eddieveddie28 . I hope I did okay!


I woke up to the sound of rain battering the window. I stretched out a little bit and delved deeper into the covers. It was so nice and warm. I turned around and was met with the face of my sleeping boyfriend. It was too cute. His hair was messy and frizzy, his pink lips were slightly parted, and his cheek was squished up against the pillow. I took in the sight before me and smiled. It wasn't long after that his blue eyes fluttered open and he smiled tiredly.

"Good morning surfer boy," I smiled, my voice quiet with traces of tiredness still evident.

"Morning love," Eddie rasped, his voice laced with a melodic tone. We smiled at each other before Eddie checked the clock beside him. He frowned a bit and sighed. "I have to go to the studio today. I'm sorry," Eddie mumbled sadly.

"It's okay. Just sing some pretty songs for me, okay?" I murmured back. He got up and I smiled to myself. I had left lipstick stains on his neck. We had made out the night before but before we were able to do anything, the neighbors decided to blast the Spice Girls. There was no way in hell we were going to have sex to the Spice Girls so, we just went to sleep.

As soon as Eddie got up, I went over and gave him a huge hug. We mumbled our 'I love you's' and he left to go brush out his of his mop of curls. I smiled and curled back up into bed. Thankfully, it was my day off. 'I'll get up later,' I thought to myself.

I stayed under the covers as I listened to Eddie getting ready and leaving. I was content with my life right now.

Third Person POV

Eddie made his way over to the studio. Thankfully, it wasn't too far from his house. He smiled as he thought about his girlfriend. Whenever he thought about her, he always got a big, dopey grin on his face. He adored her. Everything about her from her raspy morning voice to her hatred for decaf coffee made him smile.

'She's so beautiful,' Eddie mumbled to himself as he walked into the studio. He smiled and greeted everyone. Jeff smiled and waved like a dork, Mike greeted him with a simple 'sup', Stone nodded, and Dave grumbled something about hating mornings.

"What song are we working on today? We fucking finally finished 'Even Flow' yesterday and if we have to do one more take, I'm going to kill everyone in this room," Mike rambled while tuning his guitar. He was about to have a bad morning because two of his strings broke and slapped his arm. He shot everyone a glare to let them know that if they laughed, they'd be dead. Everyone just shrugged.

"I say we work on 'Porch', I'm ready to get that song over with," Eddie chimed in. No one had any objections so the band got to work.

Everyone slipped on their headphones as they all went into the studio. They looked up at the people in the window to make sure the audio was recording. They got the thumbs up so Mike strummed the opening riff.

"What the fuck is this world running to?

You didn't leave a message

At least I could have learned your voice one last time

Daily minefield, this could be my time by you

Would you hit me? Would you hit me?" Eddie smiled as he sang. He felt he was doing good so far.

"All the bills go by and initiatives are taken up

By the middle, there ain't gonna be any middle any more

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