Andrew Wood

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It was a cold Saturday night. That particular time in December where it was always bitterly arctic yet, not enough to warrant snowfall. It was roughly a week before my friend, Eddie's, birthday. We had to have his party early because so many of us would be out of town for Christmas. As much as Eddie complained about being a Christmas baby, he sure as hell decorated for the holidays. There were popcorn strands, statues, advent calendars, a Christmas tree, and a much-dreaded mistletoe.

Now, the problem with the mistletoe was the fact that a good few of the people at this party had crushes within Eddie's friend group, including me.

I happened to have a crush on my friend, Chris's, flamboyant, eccentric, singing, and very adorable roommate, Andy.

Andy was nothing short of a drama queen. When I broke my arm at a skatepark, Andy carried me, bridal style, to the hospital, kicked the door down, and yelled, "MY QUEEN IS DYYYYING!!!" Albeit, it was sweet, I was absolutely mortified.

"Hey (Y/N)! Do you want to play truth or dare with us?" my friend, Jerry, asked excitedly. I didn't want to be a fun sucker. Nor did I want to play truth or dare. Last time I played that horrid excuse for a party game, Andy and Layne raided my closet and they joked on me for owning nothing but huge sweaters. I never told them why but, I wear them because I'm embarrassed about my double D cup boobs.

After having flashbacks to the many games of truth or dare, I agreed. I'd rather play this awful party game than end up like Jeff and be known as 'the no-fun police.' As soon as I gave my reply, Jerry dragged me to the living room where everyone was sitting.

"Okay, (Y/N)'s in! Who's going first?" Stone asked cheerily.

"I will!" Sean smiled.

"Okay, Sean, truth or dare?"

"Dare! I ain't no wuss," Sean retorted smugly. Oh, how he would regret that choice.

"I dare you to run around the apartment while singing a Beatles song-," Stone began before being cut off by Sean. Just as Sean was about to walk out the door, Stone finished his statement, "naked." Sean's smug grin quickly fell and his once ecstatic movements slowed. He groaned and removed his clothes before walking out the door.

Everyone ran up to the window like a kid on a snow day and everyone watched as Sean was bitten in the ass by the neighbor's dalmatian. We all knew the dog was clean so, that gave everyone the pass to howl with laughter like a bunch of hyenas.

Sean had returned and bitch-slapped Stone.

"Alright (Y/N), truth or dare?" Layne asked.

"Truth," I responded nervously.

"Why do you always wear those giant sweaters?" Layne interrogated, looking me in the eyes to make sure I didn't lie.

"Because my boobs are too big," I mumbled. Layne didn't push any further and we just went on with the game.

Once nearly everyone had gone, Jerry was wearing my skirt while I wore his pants, Mike had eaten a raw egg, Stone was in drag, and Chris and Eddie came out as bi.

"Okay (Y/N), your turn again," Eddie smiled mischievously.

"Alright, dare," I groaned.

"I dare you to give Andy a lapdance, without the sweater," Eddie smirked evilly.

"WHAT IN THE FUCK VEDDER!" Andy and I yelled in unison.

"Darling, it's okay if you don't want to," Andy smiled sympathetically. I didn't want to. I didn't want to at all but, I was no wuss. I've fought off a big-ass snake back home and I was not about to chicken out over something as stupid as truth or dare.

"It's fine, Andy, are you okay with this?" I questioned him. He gulped and nodded. Layne went over to the stereo and put on 'Girls, Girls, Girls' by Mötley Crüe. I shot him a glare and removed my sweater. I was wearing a tight tank top underneath it but, nonetheless, I felt very exposed.

I strutted over to Andy and sat in his lap, my legs on either side of him. His face went red as I bent back and began grinding ever-so-slightly. His hands supported my back and I slowly bent back up. I felt his hand squeeze my butt a little bit and we simply smiled devilishly at each other. The song finished and I gave him a kiss on the cheek before retrieving my sweater and returning to my self-conscious, former state.

"Okay bitch, truth or dare," Andy stated while looking at Eddie.

"D-Dare?" He stuttered out.

"Play 7 minutes in heaven with Chris," Andy smirked. Eddie blushed and ran into the closet, Chris following soon after.

"Okay everyone, stay very quiet," Andy whispered. Not soon after we heard moaning from the closet.

"Fuck! Chris~" a low voice panted.

"Nevermind," he said while covering his face in his hands.

We left the closet alone and about twenty minutes later, Chris and Eddie returned, and Eddie was walking weirdly, so, everyone knew that they did it. As soon as they returned, we all decided to put this game of truth or dare to an end. Everyone went back to drinking, Eddie was curled up in Chris's lap, and Eddie was about to open his presents. I walked up to him and decided to be nice to him, considering how it was his birthday.

"Hey, Eddie," I smiled while I tapped on his shoulder.

"Yes?" he stuttered.

"I think that it's only fair that you get to dare me, one last time," I began, "so, what'll it be?"

He smiled, "Kiss the guy that's under the mistletoe."

I looked over and, sure enough, Andy was standing underneath the mistletoe. I lightly punched his shoulder and made my way over to Andy.

"Hi, Andrew!" I exclaimed.

"Hello darling," Andy smiled. I pointed up to where the mistletoe hung and smiled. He blushed a little and kissed me on the lips. He tasted like cinnamon and eggnog. We pulled apart and smiled before pulling one another into a hug.

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