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I grabbed a bundle of clothes from my messy room before shoving them furiously into the duffel bag, my mothers yelling echoed through the halls of incoherent bullshit I wasn't frankly interested in for a moment. I moved over to my bedside table grabbed a couple more articles of clothing and throwing them onto my bed.

I moved to Adelaide from Melbourne around two years back to be with my mother. I always had a weird relationship with her. When things were fine between us they were fantastic but when they weren't it might as well of been World War III. Due to her over estimating everything, she could start arguments easily with me, considering she knew damn well how to push my buttons. Sometimes I had restraint and ignored every word she said until she was ready to act normal but some days it was back and forth and I couldn't handle it. This time in particular was that and to me it seemed to be the last straw. It was becoming so consistent in our day to day lives to argue with one another that it began to take a mental toll on me.

I walked into my bathroom and grabbed all the toiletries I could before putting them into a shoulder bag. Her yelling had died down but tension filled the house so heavily if anyone walked in here they would feel a ton of bricks drop on them. The argument began because she owes me money due to her getting fired from her job recently and I've been paying her phone bill. I asked for the money and she went haywire. And it just got worse from there.

I finished packing up the last of my things and began taking them to my car. My mother stood by the door and kept saying continuously how disgraceful I was acting. I continued to ignore her and put the last bag in my car. I looked back at my house to see my mother slam the door and lock it. I rolled my eyes in frustration before getting in my car. Okay I got this. I sighed heavily thinking to myself. Where am I supposed to go? The only reason I moved up here was to be with my mum to try fix everything.

I started the engine and pulled out of my driveway and onto the road. My phone buzzed and I checked to see a message from my friend Ryan. He was talking about how Fiji was and I smiled to myself. Fuck I miss Ryan. I connected my phone into my Bluetooth speaker system and called Ryan. I just need to talk to someone right now. The phone rang about twice before Ryan picked up. "(Y/n) what's going on?" His tone was happy and relaxed. "Yeah nothing much I kind of just got kicked out of my mums so I'm trying to find a place to stay for a bit but I just felt like calling you cause I need preoccupy myself right now" I exclaimed. "Oh shit are you okay?" His voice immediately laced with worry "I'm fine Ryan shit happens you know the deal" I reassured him. "Okay are you sure? You can tell me shit Yknow" he said. "I'm 100% positive" I responded.

We both spent the next 20 minutes just talking about our lives as I was parked in a McDonalds car park. "I have an idea" Ryan exclaimed abruptly. "Go on." I stated munching on some McDonald's fries. "Come down to Melbourne and live with Sam and I" he smiled. Confusion ran through my head. "Why?" "Because you clearly want to move back to Melbourne and I miss you like crazy it'll be great to have you around again". Do they even have space for me? How am I supposed to get there Melbourne is about 700 kilometres away?. "And how do you suppose I get there? Also do you even have space?" I chuckled lightly. "Yeah Anna moved out about 2 weeks ago into a house with Jay so we have an empty room all for you" he responded. "Also just drive. You love road trips. You have everything you need and it's only an eight hour drive so I don't see why not". I looked over at the time as it read 5:23pm. I bit my lip reluctantly before sighing loudly "You've convinced me Ryan I'll be seeing you in eight hours" I said. "Fuck yeah! See you soon (y/n) have a safe drive" and with that Ryan hung up and I was still sat in the McDonald's car park.

I quickly got my credit card and ran into the McDonald's and ordered some food for the journey. After getting my food I got back into the car and started the engine hoping this wouldn't be an absolutely agonising drive.

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