c h a p t e r t w e n t y t w o

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Y O U R   P O V

"I'll be back in about 30 maybe" I said kissing Cam quickly. He smiled letting go of my hand and I made my way downstairs. I was really feeling something with Cam and it made me feel the best I could be. I pulled my phone out to quickly text Mason.

Hey I'm heading over now

"Oh and considering you're staying for even longer do you wanna quickly swing by Ryan's and get some more clothes?" Cam said walking down the stairs. He wondered over to the kitchen, grabbing himself a bottle of water from the fridge. "Good idea" I smiled. I grabbed my keys from the kitchen counter and walked out the door.

The air was cold and it was semi foggy. Every windshield or window you could see was almost fully frosted and the grass was wet. I sighed heavily before making my way to my car. Fuck winters here are the worst. I climbed in my car for it to be just as cold in there. I quickly made a move to turn on the heater and use the windshield wipers to clear of the frost.

(Time skips be like 👁👄👁👍🏿)
                                  🦵🏻 🦵🏻

I walked inside and the place was just as cold. "Why's it so cold here?" I shivered walking over to the couch. "Gas is out or some shit like that I don't know, all I do know is I can't take a hot shower" Mason sighed, sitting on the couch beside me.

"So what is it you wanted to talk about?" I said turning towards him more. "Well I need your advice about something" Mason clearly didn't know what to say. I raised my eyebrow at him hoping he'd continue and elaborate. "Well I'm thinking of moving back into my mums place" He said looking down at his hands. "I don't know it's just i'm sick of people only watching me cause i'm the 'retard' from misfits yknow" Mason sighed heavily placing his head in his hands. "Well maybe you should move back with your mum for a bit, just to get your head where you want it to be" I sighed rubbing his back.

Mason looked up at me, clearly thinking over it in his head. "So maybe just go back to your mum's for how ever long you want. Just get back to your roots and make sure you are where you want to be" I smiled. "You really think so?" Mason asked, leaning back into the couch. "It's normal for everyone to need to go back home, especially for you" I answered. "Why especially for me?" He inquired. "Well Mason your mum sheltered you a good amount, she loves the fuck out so it's absolutely reasonable that you're getting home sick" I said placing my hand on his shoulder. "You're right. I'll just figure out where my heads at" Mason sighed. "Why'd you wanna talk to me about this in person?" I chuckled slightly.

"Well one this is gonna be the last time I see you for a bit maybe so I naturally wanted to talk to you, and two this has been bugging me for so long, so this is big for me" He smiled. I nodded at him reassuringly. "You've got this Mace" I smiled.

(Time skip is buno no fun)

I pulled up to Cam's slightly high as Mason offered to smoke some cones with me before I left. I had a small duffle bag full of clothes for the next couple of days I would be at Cam's. Luckily Ryan wasn't home so I assumed he was at the office.

I got out of the car to immediately be disappointed from getting ripped away from the warmth inside my car to the cold outside world. I opened the door to a warmer environment, making myself somewhat pleased. "Cam?" I called out. I put my keys on the kitchen island and made my way upstairs. I walked past Cam's office to see him enthralled with whatever he was editing.

I continued walking to the bedroom, putting the bag at the end of the bed. I walked back to Cam's office and placed my hands on his shoulders. He jumped slightly before taking off his headset and turning around. "Hey" I smiled kissing him quickly "Hi, What did Mason want?" Cam asked placing his hands on my hips. "He was wondering if I thought it was a good idea to move back into his Mum's" I replied playing with his hair. Cam rose an eyebrow at me inquisitively and I could tell his was worried about him. "I said maybe he should just stay there for a bit and see how he feels" I continued. "That's a pretty good idea" Cam said leaning his head on my stomach.

I smiled down at him as I continued playing with his hair causing him to look up at me once again. Cam stood up, brushing my hair behind my ear and kissing me. We were interrupted by the doorbell echoing throughout the house. We both pulled away and walked downstairs. I lingered by the couch as Cam continued to the front door. He checked the peephole before turning back to me looking almost as white as a ghost. "It's Ryan!" He whispered. My eyes widened with fear and I began looking around frantically.

"Fuck um go hide" Cam said walking up to me swiftly "Where?" I replied clearly panicked "um fuck the closet in my roon!" He said walking back to the door. I swiftly ran upstairs to the bedroom and opened the closet and climbed in shutting the door behind me.

C A M' S P O V

I walked back to the door before immediately noticing (y/n)'s keys on the kitchen bench. I grabbed them quickly, shoving them in my pocket. I opened the door to see a somewhat agitated Ryan looking up at me.

"Jesus you're slow to open the door" Ryan huffed. I chuckled nervously not knowing how to respond. "Did you get my message?" Ryan asked. I shook my head silently and confused. "I texted you saying I was coming over with edibles so we can talk about some shit" Ryan filled in. "Yeah can't find my phone sorry" I managed to get out still nervous as fuck. "But can we do this another time, I'm trying to get all my editing done and I know I won't be able to do it on edibles" I begged almost, hoping he'd agree and leave.

"I'm worried about (y/n)" Ryan blurted walking into my apartment. "about (y/n)? Why?" I was genuinely curious as to why he was worried about her by this point. "Well she skipped out last night without even telling us to go stay with that guy she's with, and I really want her to intern for us and learn what could be done" Ryan sighed walking over to my couch and sitting down.

I closed the door and made my way to the couch as well. "Maybe she's doesn't want to intern for us and actually has a real sustainable job" I mentioned as I knew that was the reason she didn't want to. "I'm really sorry man I'm just super busy maybe on the weekend" I brought up him leaving again. "Yeah you're right. I'll see you this weekend" Ryan sighed standing up again. "For sure" I smiled as both Ryan and I walked to the door.

"We'll talk about this fully man I just have so much to do" I apologised again "No it's okay man I'll catch you later" Ryan said before walking out the door. The second the door closed I sighed heavily before texting (y/n).

He's gone you can come out now

Not a minute later (y/n) cautiously walked downstairs before looking around. I watched her do so, smiling. She stopped dead looking at me before erupting with laughter. I had come to notice she laughed during awkward or stressful situations and I almost idolised it. "That was so close" She managed to get out during her laughs. I smiled at her while she continued to have a laughing fit. Damn this bitch got me feeling some kinda way.

hey guys just felt like discussing a few things. One I don't give a fuck about what the misfits said on their podcast cuz frankly it's true, fan fics and edits are weird. If you genuinely think about it for once we gotta recognise they're real people and this fandom they have created shouldn't be expected for them to have cuz they're "famous". You should be making fan fics and edits more for the people that also enjoy their content then the actual content creators themselves. Two sorry i haven't updated i had gay writers block so. Also y'all are that self centred that you all got so caught up tryna cancel misfits but nobody is talking about the fact that zuckles has been through a rough time recently and he should be praised for speaking out about it like wtf.

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