c h a p t e r s e v e n t e e n

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I woke up the next morning frankly feeling incredibly refreshed. Luckily for me today was a public holiday in Melbourne so I wouldn't have to work which already signified today would be a good day. I pushed myself onto my forearms before grabbing my phone and checking my notifications.

Cam: EZARD at 7:30 tonight meet me there

A smile crawled it's way onto my face as I pushed myself out of bed. The sun was peaking through the windows of my room almost like a counter part to my mood. I've always felt apathetic or happy but I haven't felt this happy in a while. I walked out of my room and downstairs to which I was greeted by Ryan blaring music on the television.

I shot him a bright smile almost skipping into the kitchen. Ryan raised his eyebrow at me in a confused manner "What's got you in such a good mood?" Ryan inquired "Nothing just feeling good. Don't gotta work today" I beamed grabbing a bowl and putting in coco pops (cause cereal goes before milk facts). Ryan shot me a non convinced look and I immediately knew hiding the stuff with Cam and I will be a challenge. I poured in the milk and grabbed a spoon only to begin shoving my mouth full. I plonked down on the couch and just let everything sink in. Sam soon walked downstairs frankly still looking like he didn't get a wink of sleep. "Did you sleep at all?" I barely managed to say with my mouth full "No. Was working on some stuff" Sam huffed sitting beside me.

I was genuinely becoming worried about him. He's been acting so weird to everyone the last couple of months and I wasn't sure if he was willing to talk. "So I'm going out tonight for dinner so don't wait up" I said finishing my cereal and getting up to put the bowl in the sink. "Why? With who?" Ryan immediately grew suspicious "Going on a tinder date, chill" I said leaning against the counter. "Oh so that's why you're so happy" Ryan teased "No." I almost clearly lied. He rolled his eyes before looking down at his phone again. "Well I'm gonna go to Ikea to get more furniture for the office, either of you wanna come?" Ryan peered up quickly. "Sure. Lemme get changed" I said and made my way upstairs. I chucked on some ripped jeans and my 'respect women' hoodie on as it was now Winter in Australia which meant it was cold as fuck. I jogged back downstairs and once again shot a bright smile to both Sam and Ryan. I assumed Sam decided to stay home as he kept seated. Ryan stood up grabbing his keys before heading my way. We opened the front door and was immediately greeted with the brisk and cold air. "Fuck it's cold" I shivered quickly getting to the car as quick as possible. Ryan just as quickly turned on the heater. "Let's go build some fucking furniture" I almost cheered.

(Time skips brought to you by the unroadworthy misfits car)

Ikea got boring pretty quick and with Ryan and I carrying shit despite the fact we had a trolley. We were mainly getting desks for the office so even the interns and managers had a working space. But due to the boring ikea trip my mind kept wandering back to Cam. Once I got home I immediately ran upstairs to get ready. Butterflies had started to emit from my stomach and I felt like a nervous wreck. But why? I'm friends with Cam so why am I so nervous? I stared at myself admiring my chosen outfit and bit my lip. I grabbed my phone checking the time to see it was 6:30 and I almost shat myself. "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!" I said audibly grabbing my things and calling an uber. I would take my car but frankly I planned on drinking tonight so that's a not gonna happen. I ran downstairs full speed "bye guys!" I called rushing out the door and waited a moment before the uber. The uber eventually pulled up around 7:40 and I felt bad for being late.

I rushed in to the restaurant and immediately saw Cam. In that moment all my nerves dissipated and a smile formed on my face. "Someone sitting here?" I started causing Cam to bring his attention to me. A smile appeared on his face "Yeah you hopefully" His voice rang out. And despite the fact the restaurant was full and rather loud I could hear his voice as clear as day. He stood quickly kissing me on the cheek and pulling my chair out. I smiled up at him before taking my seat. "Sorry for being late" I smiled as Cam sat across from me. "All good you're here now" He replied. The next two hours almost flew by. Cam and I spoke like how we always do, and the whole time I just admired Cam's operations. He was dressed nicely and his beard seemed to grow in nicely. Cam's hand was extended over the table and intertwined with mine making my heart beat that much harder. I finished around my 6th glass of wine before Cam spoke up. "Are you ready to go?" He asked cleaning up the table, I noticed he tended to do this a lot as he did used to work at a restaurant. "Yeah, let's go" I shot a smile to Cam.

He finished cleaning up and we both walked hand in hand over to the front counter, where Cam made the honour of paying. "What a gentleman" I stated sarcastically "I'm a regular prince charming" Cam responded causing me to roll me eyes. Cam once again intertwined my hand with his as we walked out of the restaurant. "Where's your car?" He said peering around "I took an Uber, I knew I would be drinking" I said grabbing my phone out "Do you want a ride home?" Cam inquired looking at me "If it's not a hassle that would be great" I said happily "No hassle at all C'mon" Cam said leading me across to road to where his Tesla was parked. The car ride back to Ryan's was just like dinner with both Cam and I laughing and talking about whatever came to mind. We pulled up to Ryan's causing me to almost sadden, I had such an amazing night I didn't want it to end.

Both Cam and I got out and looked at each other. "As much as I hate to admit it Cam, I had an amazing night" I stared up at him "And I'd love to admit so did I" He responded once again causing an eye roll from me. I stared at Cam to see his blue eyes shine and his smile remain stationary. I felt Cam's hand land on my waist and the butterflies began all over again. We both leaned in, closing the gap between us. Our lips met with passion, and feeling. I smiled into the kiss before pulling away to meet Cam's gaze once again. "Goodnight (y/n)" Cam stated huffing out as his hand remained on my waist as mine was on his chest. "Goodnight Cam" I smiled and walked to the front door. I turned back right as Cam was about to get into the car. I shot him one final smile before walking into the house. I sighed heavily and flicked on the lights to reveal Sam sitting on the couch, his eyes puffy and red from crying I assumed. "Why him?" He stated bluntly causing my heart to sink with dread.

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