c h a p t e r t w e n t y

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Y O U R  P O V

"See ya guys" I called out waving to Anna and Jay who were hopping into their uber home. Sam and Ryan stood beside me observing the two "Hmm imagine having a boyfriend? Bet you can't relate as well (y/n)?" Ryan said sarcastically turning away and walking over to Sam's car. Ironic on him cause i'm secretly dating his best friend. I smiled at him mischievously before unlocking my car. "One day Ryan and you'll be walking me down the isle" I said opening the door and leaning against "Listen I get that you got daddy issues but leave me out of that paternal shit" Ryan joked, I rolled my eyes almost apprehensively and flipped him off. "HarHar, See you at home losers" I said climbing into my car and starting the ignition.

The drive almost felt like forever and I was filled with emotions, mainly consisting of nervousness, excitement and fear. Despite the fact I had music on to occupy my mind from those thoughts they were inherently taking over. What if Sam and Ryan hear my leave? What if they don't go to sleep for ages? What if they know I'm going to Cam's? I couldn't shake the feeling that we'd be caught but simultaneously I enjoyed sneaking around almost.

I pulled up to Ryan's and noticed they arrived before me and immediately realised they took the shortcut. I sighed getting out of my car and walking into the house. "What happened to the shortcut being cheating?" I called throwing my keys onto the ceramic bowl next to the door. "It's only cheating when you use it" Ryan yelled back "Oh really and why's that?" I hummed walking into the kitchen where Ryan stood on his phone. "Cuz you're a woman" Ryan joked causing another apprehensive eye roll. "I'm gonna have some space cakes and order uber eats, You want anything?" Ryan asked still fixated on his phone. "Nope" I smiled popping the 'p' and made my way towards the stairs. Ryan's face grew suspicious and I felt a tension wear on me. "I had dinner at work today and fuck I think it's all I can stomach" I continued hoping to convince Ryan of my blatant lie. Ryan nodded slightly before peering down at his phone again almost causing me to cheer.

I smiled and walked up to my room before quickly messaging Cam.

Hey I might be a bit late cause Ryan is still awake

I shut my phone before I grabbed a small bag and filled it with my needed supplies for the night. I heard the front door open and immediately presumed it was Ryan getting the Uber eats. I grabbed some casual clothes and ran to the shower with almost the speed of the flash. I knew I still stunk like coffee or shitty pastries and frankly I was craving this shower.

I got changed and stepped into the shower and ran my hands through my hair. Showers are pretty great. I smiled to myself before eventually finishing up and getting out. I eventually got dressed and ready before deciding to linger in the bathroom. If I walk out, he'll see me changed and ask questions. After what felt like a 15 minute wait in the bathroom I heard Ryan's footsteps before they stopped outside the door. "Hey I'm gonna go to bed have a good sleep" Ryan called through the door before walking upstairs to his room.

I smiled before I snuck out the bathroom quietly and silently sprinted into my room. I grabbed the bag and almost jumped down the stairs and towards the front door. I grabbed my keys and made a b line to the car with a smile plastered on my face.

(time skip brought to you by me being the MacGyver of bong making)

I stood outside shivering slightly, knocking on the door. The nights were especially cold in Melbourne and I almost regretted not bringing a jumper.

The door soon opened to reveal Cam smiling which practically warmed me. "Shit come inside quick" He ushered me inside quickly. I stepped inside and Cam closed the door behind us. I was immediately hit with a sense of warmth and I could hear faint sizzling. "Whatcha cooking?" I said wondering inside more towards the kitchen. Cam followed behind me before walking over to the stove. "Steak, How do you like yours by the way?" He said turning back to me quickly "Medium rare" I smiled walking over to him. "Thank you for this by the way. It feels good to just get away from everything" I sighed leaning on the counter beside him, peering down to the steak. "No problem at all" Cam said before he casually leaned in and kissed me. It was very quick and almost as if it was a habit or that we have been together for ages.

Cam immediately realised his motion and his eyes shot open. "Holy shit i'm so sor-" I cut him off laughing slightly "It's fine" I laughed before pecking his lips once again. Cam smiled before grabbing the spatula and flipping the steak. "So, What do you think about the whole internship with us?" Cam said still focused on the steak. "I don't know Cam I like having a normal job, it's obviously crossed my mind but I like having a normal persons routine yknow. Going to work at 8 and coming home at 8 that night, I feel like you lose that normality especially when it comes to YouTube or even interning or managing YouTubers" I sighed throwing my head back. "That makes sense, It's just you clearly get exhausted by the whole thing and it would be pretty cool to spend that little bit more time with you, despite the fact it's in private" Cam turned to me placing a hand around my waist. "Who says I don't like the privacy?" I smirked up to him "I'll say it's is pretty exhilarating" Cam chuckled lightly.

He grabbed the spatula again and placed the steak on a white ceramic place with mashed potato. He quickly grabbed the other steak and put it on the pan, letting out a loud abundance of sizzling. I unravelled myself from Cam's arm and walked over to his living room. "Are you coming to the barbecue over at the guys place this weekend?" Cam called to me from the kitchen, I sat down on the leather couch looking over to Cam. "Yeah I need to just...get fucked up" I laughed slightly "You and me both, so I will be definitely joining you" Cam called back as he flipped the steak.

I grabbed out my phone from pocket to see a message of Mason and Sam

Oi cunt I need you to come over tomorrow

gotta talk to ya about some shit

yeah i'll swing by

I saw your car leave where r u

I went over to Michael's I'll be back tomorrow

I sighed heavily hoping he would buy it and was brought back to Cam setting a plate down in front of me. "This looks great" I smiled as he sat beside me "Thanks" He smiled back planting a kiss on my lips. I pulled away smiling and grabbed the knife and fork. "Oh do you want anything to drink by the way?" Cam said quickly putting his plate down again "If you have whiskey that would be great" Cam smiled standing up and getting two glasses out and poured in the whiskey. "Didn't know you drank whiskey" Cam said walking over and placing the glass in front of me "I drink anything at this point" I laughed slightly.

(time skip time skip you make wanna jump into a pit)

The empty plates sat on the coffee table in front of us and the television drowned out the background. "I truly don't know how the fuck you can deal with him sometimes" Cam chuckled "Me neither I guess I'm god's gift" I sarcastically boasted. Cam huffed out and chuckle as his thumb grazed back on forth on my leg. We were about 4 whiskey's in along with two beers and Cam was really opening up with me as well as I was. Cam smiled at me softly before pulling me in for a soft and passionate kiss. My hands landed on his shoulders as his hands pulled me closer by the waist. It soon became more heated and it felt like I was gonna explode. Cam pulled me onto his lap and my hands found their way to his hair. (Cam is not going bald in this I refuse). His lips began trailing from my lips slowly to my neck leaving small marks now and again. "You wanna take this upstairs?" He hummed between kisses he planted "I thought you'd never ask".

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