c h a p t e r t h i r t e e n

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Y O U R   P O V

I woke up to sunlight beaming through Mason's bedroom window and him laying beside me, head fully devoured by pillows. I smiled and pushed myself up from the bed and grabbed my phone from the nightstand. I looked at the time and almost shat myself. 11:15 am. While I hopefully would be late to meet Ryan I still felt incredibly anxious with wether the traffic would help me out.

I quickly grabbed my work pants and put them on with the clothes Mason had leant me last night. I quickly grabbed Mason's phone and opened notes leaving him a message saying 'Had to go. Thanks for being incredibly more easier to deal with than usual, See ya when you get back' And with that I walked out of Mason's home and to my car. It was pretty cold in Geelong today and I suspected it would be just as bad in melbourne. I got into my car and immediately turned on the heater to warm me from the cold. I looked at my phone quickly to see a plethora of messages off Ryan that I chose to ignore. I quickly turned the key in the ignition and began driving.

(time skip cause i just woke up)

I made it to melbourne by 12:49 and decided it would just be best to go straight to the office building we were thinking of renting. I pulled out my phone to quickly text Ryan that I was on my way to the inspection. When I got there I discovered Ryan was waiting out front for me and I assume the property manager. I got out the car and Ryan's eyes immediately widened. "What's with the look?" I inquired standing in front of him. "Why were you at Mason's all night? Why are you wearing his clothes? Okay please don't tell me you guys fucked" Ryan said frustrated. I immediately realised it probably didn't look good with me not coming home and wearing Mason's clothes. "Okay no! I just slept there because he begged me when he was drunk as fuck and I am only wearing his clothes cause I didn't want to sleep in my uniform okay?" I defended "Okay I hope you're telling the truth, Cam wouldn't be too happy if he found out" He said chuckling the last bit. I rolled my eyes getting somewhat annoyed about the comments with Cam.

About 5 minutes later a woman dressed quiet well came up to both Ryan and I. "Are you the possible new buyers?" She inquired holding her clipboard tightly to her chest. "Yep that's us. I'm Ryan" He said holding out his hand which she shook. "I'm (y/n)" I said also holding out my hand as she shook it in return. She motioned us to come inside before taking us up a couple flights of stairs which I was surprised she could do in her stiletto heels.

She opened up the door eventually to reveal a large open room covered with masonry brick walls with some small rooms on the other side as offices. The floor was wooden and whenever the lady walked her shoes tapped. We all walked in admiring the office. Ryan especially so it was safe to say we were probably gonna end up getting this place. "So what do you think?" The lady chimed and turned around.

Right as she said that my phone began ringing. "I'll meet you in the car Ryan" I gestured before smiling and waving to the lady. I walked out of the office and answered my phone. "(y/n) hey! I'm so sorry about last night I was really fucking drunk and I didn't know what to do" Mason chimed "Mace it's fine you needed the help" I chuckled making my way downstairs "Oh by the way I do want to make sure, do you have my clothes still?" He asked "Yeah I'm sorry I'll stop by the house today and drop them off" I smiled as I leant against the car. "Okay thank you. Once again I'm so sorry, Cam probably freaked out" Mason started. "No he didn't Mace cause he doesn't know because he doesn't need to know because Cam and I are just friends" I warned clearly aggravated. "Right. Later cunt" Mason cursed "Later fuckwit" I rolled my eyes and hung up.

I continued scrolling on my phone when Ryan walked with a bright smile plastered onto his face. "You getting it?" I inquired as he unlocked the car. "Hell yeah that place is great" He said cheerfully as we both got in. "Anyway are you coming this weekend?" Ryan said starting the car. "What are you on about?" I said putting on my seatbelt. "How about read the group chat for once" Ryan teased "I didn't think anyone was going" I said curiously "I convinced everyone now are you coming or what?" He asked again as we drove. I was working a lot this week so it would be nice to unwind with everyone. "Fine" I sighed defeated. A smirk immediately jumped onto Ryan's face again.

(Time skip also i'm making edible brownies)

I was back in my work uniform again and was on my way to the Misfits house. I was gonna drop off Mason's clothes and maybe have a quick chat with everyone. As I pulled up to the house I saw Cam's Tesla parked out front. I really couldn't be fucked with being awkward anymore so whatever happens happens. I got out of the car and made my way to the doorstep and rung the doorbell.

About 2 minutes later Toby opened the door smiling. "Hey what are you doing here?" He chimed as he motioned me inside. I walked in with Toby trailing next to me. "Just dropping off some of Mason's clothes." I smiled as I walked into the main area. Both Cam and Swagger were sitting on the couch clearly high as fuck. I immediately made eye contact with Cam and he smiled goofily at me. I quickly flashed a smile back. "What's going on (y/n)?" Swagger almost screamed "I'm dropping off some of Mason's clothes" I inquired as I kept walking to Mason's room. I dropped the clothes on his bed and walked back out. The smile on Cam's face had nearly disappeared and Toby kept giving him a weird look. I was curious about what was wrong but felt as if it wasn't my place. "So are you coming out with everyone this weekend?" Swagger smiled "Yeah I need to do something exciting considering how boring work is right now" I leant on the back of the couch. "Fuck yeah it's going to be LIT" Swagger cheered happily.

I glanced at Cam who sat there looking at me happily once again. No matter what happened with us he still made me happy.

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