c h a p t e r t w e l v e

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Once again anxiousness coursed through me. Mason had went back home to Geelong a week prior because he was celebrating his brothers birthday. I quickly texted him back.

you: what's happened and what did you do?
delivered at 9:30pm

mason: I'm really fucked up right now and i've lost Kobz and I don't know how to get home

you: where are you right now??

mason: Jokers I think

I was aware of the pub he was at as I used to have a friend who lived in Geelong. I questioned what to do.

you: okay stay there please i'll come and pick you up.

mason: thank you you're the best

I plugged the address into the mapping system in my car just to be sure I knew where I was going. It was gonna be an hour and 50 minute drive and I mentally groaned to myself. I was pretty exhausted due to having to do open until close today and the place was packed. I turned on the ignition. And began making my way hoping Mason would be alright.

(time skip i seriously hate using these but they're way too convenient)

The drive was long and quiet with my sending messages back to Mason to make sure he was okay and not leaving. When I pulled up to the bar I got out as fast as I could and practically sprinted across the road to the entrance. I wasn't sure if he was inside or not so I quickly texted him.

you: Mace where are you?

mason: wall. outside

I put my phone into my pocket and began looking around ever corner of the place. I went around the corner that lead into the alley, and saw Mason haunches over against the wall throwing his lungs up. I walked up to him and rubbed his back as he continued to throw up. "You got it all out buddy?" I said as he peered up to me looking destroyed. I tried not to chuckle. "Cmon" I said as I grabbed his arm and put it around my shoulder. Mason made it extremely difficult getting back to the car as he was putting every ounce of weight onto me while he tried to be as cheeky as possible.

I got him into the passengers side of my car before quickly making my way into the drivers side. "What's your address?" I asked looking over to the Australian boy that had his head leant against the window. Mason started to mumble incoherent words. "Gimme your phone" I held out my hand as he shimmied around to retrieve his phone from his back pocket. I opened up his phone as I knew his passcode and immediately texted Koby.

you: Koby it's (y/n) i've just picked up your brother do you need a lift home

koby: nah i'm alright. getting ins with a girl

you: already too much info. What's your address Mason is too fucked to tell me

koby: oh it's (ALErT censored address cause I obviously don't know it and neither should you)

you: right thanks have fun happy birthday man

koby: thanks (y/n)

I quickly punched the address into the gps and made my way to Mason's house. "awWH mcdonald's cunt let's go get some" Mason cried out which was the first word of english I had heard him utter. I was hungry myself and greasy shit tends to be a good way to get rid of the hangover. I sighed and quickly pulled into the drive through and got us a decent amount of food. I once again kept driving back to Masons house as he happily munched down on his fries. It was an entertaining scene if it weren't for him probably feeling like shit tomorrow I would actually be laughing, also if I wasn't having to deal with him.

We pulled up and I got out and opened the passenger and Mason practically fell out. I helped him up and leant him against me once more. "Keys." I ushered holding out my hand. Once again Mason squirmed and flopped around as he tried retrieving his keys from his back pocket and putting them in my hand. I opened the door and pulled Mason inside. "Where the fuck did my fries go cunt?" Mason cursed pretty loudly. I winced as I wasn't sure if Mason's mother was home or not. I made an extremely fast b-line to Mason's room pretty much dragging him along. We got in and I almost immediately pushed him onto the bed. He lied on the bed and kept trying to sit up and walk around. "Mason just sit the fuck down please I'll go get your food just stay here" I practically begged. "Oi fine cunt hurry up" he huffed angrily and I immediately jogged our towards the car grabbing the food and locking the car.

As I walked back into the house I saw Mason's mother about to walk to Mason's room. "Oh. Hello" She chimed unsure of who I was. "Hi. I'm just a friend of Mason and he got to wasted so I thought I would bring him home" I explained hoping she wasn't thinking anything else was happening. "Oh okay thank you so much" She smiled before heading back to her bedroom. I sighed and walked back into Mason's room. He was gone. "Mason?" I called out. Nothing."Mason fucking seriously where are you?" I called out again getting aggravated. I heard soft giggling and I looked down to the floor. I got down on my hands and knees to see Mason under the bed giggling. "Hey!" He chimed cheekily and I immediately wanted to punch him. "Mason get into bed" I said sternly. "Awww but Mum" He laughed as he crawled out from under the bed. He stood up and look at me with a drunken smirk wiped across his face. I pushed my index finger against his chest which caused him to fall back onto the bed. "Here's your maccas" I stared throwing the brown paper bag onto his bed.

He squirmed up to his pillows and began munching on his fries. "You're the best (y/n) I fucking love you so much man" Mason thanked "What can I say I'm a class act" I shrugged sarcastically. Mason looked at me with the same smirk and I immediately was curious. "What?" I stated bluntly. "You sooo love Cam" He teased poking my arm. I rolled my eyes "No I don't Mace he's just my friend" I warned. "Nup. You're just scared that's all I know you well enough. And I know you like him" He cooed as he sunk more into pillows. I mean yeah of course I was scared he definitely wasn't wrong there but I do not like Cam. "Wrong" I said standing up.

Mason looked at me almost heartbroken. "What?" I smiled "Stay here. Pleeeeease" Mason begged. "Mason I can't I gotta help Ryan to go to check out another place for an office plus I have work at like 4:00 pm" I argued. "Just wake up early enough please I don't wanna be alone like this" He begged again which almost worried me with what he had said. I didn't feel the need to push and I just gave up. "Fine." I sighed out. A wide smile immediately appeared onto his face once more as he shoved more fries into his mouth. "Do you have some clothes I can wear then? Cause I really don't wanna sleep in my uniform" I looked at Mason tiredly. He pointed to the set of draws at the end of his bed. "Hoodies. Shirts" He said in between chewing. I walked over to the set of draws and pulled out one of Mason's shirts and his orange ripped jumper. I'm pretty sure he hasn't even moved half of his shit to the misfits house. I opened up another draw to find pants. All of them were too big to fit me and I immediately sighed out. I turned back around to Mason who had a smirk spread across his face and wiggled his eyebrows. "Not happening" I warned "I'm aware or you would've done it with Cam by now" He teased. Once again I rolled my eyes and walked out to the bathroom where I got changed. I walked back into the bedroom to see Mason already underneath the covers with the maccas bag resting on his stomach. He's going to need water and hydro lite. I walked back out getting a cup of water for Mason and began searching the cupboards for any hydro lite.

When I found some I put the tablet into the water and walked back into Mason who sat on his phone. "Drink this" I ushered and closed the door behind me. He reached out for the drink and almost chugged half the shit down. I crawled into bed next to him. And quickly checked my phone which was mainly consisting of messages from Ryan asking where I was or from the group chat where Ryan was still trying to convince everyone. I told Ryan I was just at Mason's because he got too drunk and I needed to help him home, along with a don't wait up. I put my phone down and laid back as I was exhausted. Mason threw the empty maccas bag onto the floor before laying down with me. About five minutes later I was out cold.

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