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Calling the others.




["Seth, you still there?"] Dean asked.

["Oh yeah, I'm still here. By the way, tell them to bring clothes, toothbrushes, everything about slumber party."]

["Got it mehnnn."]

And Seth ended the call. He ordered the nannies to bake some cakes and cook some foods. The nannies happily obliged.

Seth dialed one of his classmate's number. 

["Oh hello, who is this? this is Barbie speaking."]

Seth looked at his phone's caller id as he heard an ugly voice.

["Oh good evening, Ma'am. I'm Mike's classmate. Can I talk to him, please?"]

["Sure, wait a sec.....Mikeeeee!"]

After a while, he heard Mike's voice.

["Hello! Most must see student speaking..."]

["Mike, there's a party on my mansion right now, invite the boys you know and bring slumber party stuffs."]

["Can I take Maryse?"]


[".....Just Maryse."]


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