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Hurly-Burly in the room.





Everyone was ready to go home when Kevin suddenly yelled.

"Hey, ugly people! Potato head said we will have a charity so donate all your moneys now!" 

 "But I'm going to use the rest of my money to buy taco." Dean complained.

"Bro, you don't have any money left." 

"I don't?" Dean asked in confusion and Roman nodded.

"Do we really need to?" Paige asked while checking her wallet.

"It's because you kept buying those unnecessary books. No wonder you don't have any money left with you." April scolded.

"Enough the chitchats! Hurry up!" Kevin reminded his classmates.

Mike took  money from his wallet as he muttered, "Hurry up! I'm going to date with my one and only Maryse, so let's get this over with!" 

"Where's Professor Angle, anyway?" John suddenly asked.

"He probably went to buy a comb or something." AJ teased while fixing his bag.

"Does he grow a hair now?" Bayley asked Finn.

"Maybe?" Finn answered, not knowing to say.

"I think he visited long lost brother, you know cotton buds." Nikki suddenly joked.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Kevin laughed so loud.

John hissed at Nikki's statement and Brie giggled because her twin sister embarrassed herself.

Bayley decided to approach Kevin and handed him her donation.

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