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Stick a fork in him.



~7:30 in the morning, still at the McMahon's mansion,~

Dolph was the first one who woke up because of Mike's ringtone. He ended the call without knowing who it was. He saw Kevin drooling while hugging the teddy bear tightly, Adam and Johnny embracing each other on the sofa as he saw Sami on the other side of sofa, noticing the Maryse pillow on his head. Dolph secretly smiled at the sight. Then he noticed Dean's feet on AJ's hair while Baron sleeping like a log. Roman is the only normal one.

He walked towards the kitchen as he saw the two nannies preparing breakfasts. 

"Did you have a good sleep, mister Dolphy?" Nanny 1 greeted him.

"It's Dolph, nanny."  Dolph corrected her.

Dolph grabbed his toothbrush and walked straightly to the bathroom. 

Meanwhile, Mike heard his ringtone and saw Barbie's calling him.

His mom told him he missed Mike already.

["I missed u too, mom!"] 

Mike was shocked to see his Maryse pillow on Sami's head. He immediately pulled it out and put it on his luggage. He was shocked once again as he accidentally ended the call with his mom.

His phone rings again and it was Maryse this time.

["Hey Mike, I wanna go shopping."] Maryse started the call.

["With me? Sure! Sure! Why not?"] He grinned. ["I'm on my way!"] 

Mike started to pack his things and grabbed his keys. He ran outside and opened his car as he drove away from the mansion. While on the road, he texted Dolph that he left.

~Back to the mansion,~

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