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"Attention everyone!" 

All of the students stopped from what their doing as they heard Stephanie's voice through the speakers.

"Hunter and I will not be around today 'cause we're going to attend in a business meeting so I hired someone to be in charge to handle the chaos." 

"YES! No more wrinkle old man and his McMahon wife!" Ronda cheered while walking on the hall way.

"Tch! That someone can't handle me! Nobody can handle me!" Dean yelled at the speaker.

"Deano, be a professional." Roman scolded him lightly while writing something on his locker.

"Auntie Steph isn't around! Meaning I can get tacos for free-----" Dean stopped once he spotted a familiar person coming on their way.

Roman furrowed his brows while looking at the person, "Is that----"

"SETH!" Dean jumped as he welcomed Seth with a hug.

"Bro, why are you wearing civilian clothes?" Roman asked.

Seth just sighed and unlocked his locker.

"P1?" Dean narrowed his eyes as he read the words printed on Seth's shirt.

Roman was shocked as he noticed his brother's shirt. "Is that AJ's shirt?"

"Brother! Why are you wearing his shirt? Did something happened between the two of you?" Dean raised an brow, looking at Seth.

"Long story but yes it's his shirt and I borrowed it."

"Oh my gosh! Seth Rollins borrowed a thing? Yuck!" A blonde student commented as she with her squad passed by.

Dean faced Charlotte, "What's wrong with borrowing? Huh! What's wrong with borrowing, Pencil?!"

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