"To make things clear, since we're all going to stick together for quite a while, why not we pick a leader to run things around here smoothly?" Jesse explained in a clear voice, different from his usual tone.
"I'll vote for Dale all day." Alex is the first one to respond.
"I'm also voting for Dale..." Angel raised his hand.
"Wait wait, where's my vote? I've been organizing tasks since the outbreak happened!" Jesse suddenly raised his voice in disagreement.
"nobody asked you to though." Alex crinkled his nose before wolfing his stew, slurping loudly so he could drown Jesse's hissy fit.
"Without me, all of you would have no idea what to do or what to bring! where's my appreciation?" Jesse poked his chest repeatedly, clearly desperate to change the other's mind.
"...aaand for that I'll vote on Dale." Taylor responded, thus making Dale the leader via majority.
"You guys are unbelievable, I swear to god." Jesse crossed his arms in disbelief.
"Hey Angel, you got any fries for Jesse? He might need it with all that salt." Alex said while eyeing Jesse, his lips twitching in amusement, visibly struggle to stiffle a smirk.
"Yeah yeah yeah, sure, fries to go with salt. Next time when you stop functioning on crucial time don't expect me to come save your ass. I'd rather eat my fries." Jesse gave Alex a dirty look before glancing at Dale, a subtle signal for him to change the subject.
"Uh...thanks for the vote and all, I'm truly honored as it is unexpected from all of you. I'll try my best to keep each and every single one of us alive." Dale said with determination, his eyes gleaming with hope and a new purpose while ignoring Jesse's eye roll.
"Sure sure, stop being so dramatic and let's distribute what we've gathered earlier this morning shall we?" Jesse dismissed Dale's speech while rolling his eyes.
"What do we have ..." Dale started to put all weapons and items that they've looted or carried since the start of the outbreak into display.
"We have two guns, a taser gun, a rifle and a shotgun from the stop we made. Oh, and here's a few cartridges for the taser gun I looted from the cars."
"We also have a hockey stick, and a butcher knife from the school grounds."
"From the camping post, we have a steel flashlight, a hatchet, a machete, a map, a med kit and a jack knife."
Dale then continued, "I think each of us should take at least two weapons for safety measures."
He then gazed straight at Taylor." Taylor, since you're an avid shooter, I think you should take the rifle and another gun. You'll be the one in charge of keeping our safety from a distance. Also, I promised you the guns."
"Sweet, I'll do my best, captain!" Taylor put up a salute as he took the rifle and one more gun into his laps.
"Alex, you'll take the machete and the butcher knife, I don't think I need to explain why. Your job is to keep everyone's safety, especially during looting or scavenging."
Alex nodded his head, a satisfied smirk carved on his lips. "I'll slash them zombies so deep they'll see tomorrow today."
"Jesse, take the gun, the map and torchlight. I think you should focus more on keeping us on track. Make sure you're aware with our directions and surrounding."
Jesse let out a small smile as he mouthed 'thanks' at Dale and started to pick up his items.
Finally someone who knows how to appreciate talent!
A Fighting Chance
Adventure"There's a reason why we survived the outbreak, because we're chosen to live and fight for another day." - Dale some survived. some succumbed. some took advantage of it. When five boys with completely different personalities stuck together to fight...