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{Toms P.O.V}

     "Next on the schedule?", I let out quiet exhausted from punching a bag repeatedly. "Well to bad your soo worn out-next was interrogation.", Jacob gives a devilish smile looking down to me. "I think I suddenly have enough energy!", I also let a devilish smile shine through walking down the halls to my room. "Let me just get tall-see you there.", he nods walking off with a slight pep in his step. You could thank my violence on him-my smoothness on Jaylen, that was Jacob as well. I believe I picked up my kinder side from Jaylen, along with my amazing sternness!

     I slide on my black combat boots, specifically made to help me be taller, along with nice Leader attire. I have a bounce in my step humming a tune, now I know when prisoners are lying about where Tord is...especially the new one! I could picture the blood splats on the wall making my grin turn more sinister-so sinister I didn't see Jaylen in my way. "Oh sorry Jaylen-I mean soldier.", she picks up her papers swiftly looking back at me. "No need to apologize Blue-interrogation time?", I nod gaining a grosses put look from her. "I don't know how you two...enjoy that...", I sighed questioning why she liked Jacob and walked off leaving her in a frozen state.

    I rattle my robotic arm against the cages making prisoners jump back in fear, I loved the feeling of being in charge-being feared-being...powerful! I grin finally finding the only hope filled soldier left. "Hey fresh meat~!", he glared at me making a small chuckle escape my mouth. "Oh-I just can't wait to break you.", his eyes stayed firm as I called Jacob over finding the one I wanted. "He's gonna be tough to crack...", I sighed grabbing the man by the hair forcing him into the walls and sliding him softly against it making other soldiers who knew him show concern. "That's what makes it fun Jake!", we enter the room tying him to the chair.

     This was going to be fun!

{No Ones P.O.V}

     The man tried to stay strong seeing Tom smile widely at the various tools and weapons finally picking up a knife. "Simple to start off with, now I have questions~! First, any thing that's recording this right now? That would just be sad for the other end to watch if so.", Tom grabs him by the collar his 'eyes' shooting open by the sudden fear the prisoner showed. "There's those cute little scared faces!", Tom practically yelled almost stabbing the man. "Now just a simple question really...where's Matt?", the man looked up at Tom his breath shaky.

     Tom huffed not heating him respond but instead just sat in plain fear. Usually this was entertaining but right now he just wanted answers. "What's you name?", Tom asks letting go of the man almost sending him and the chair to the floor. "K-Kaiden...", he said after a minute of silence. Kaiden wanted to tear himself apart, he was supposed to be hard to crack! Matt thought to much of him. "Well Kaiden, if you tell us what we need to know I'll let you go easily-no consequences besides having to take a small rest!", he looked at Tom who gave him a sympathetic smile.

     "...And that's where Matt has all the small bases, as for his main ones I am unsure of.", Kaiden straightened, or at least tried , his posture. "Thank you Kaiden-now a promise is a promise! Let me just get these handy dandy scissors over here...", a moment of silence passed before Tom whipped around with a gun shooting the man in purple. Tom scoffed putting the gun away, "To bad he cracked...we could of had a lot more fun.". Jacob nods his head in agreement and radios some soldiers to clean up the mess. The blood was mostly on the wall which slightly disappointed Jacob, he expected something more gruesome or creative.

     Tom looks at his kill one last time, a smile growing on his face. "Soon~", Tom thought of someone in his head with the most gentle smile-though he had little splats of blood on him which kinda ruined the whole thing. He opened the door to his room biding Jacob goodnight and getting changed. He then proceeded to take out a photo and softly smirk at it.

"Snart min lille fugl vil du bli min igjen ~.", he felt his face grow slightly hotter as he set down the photo of him and Tord. It was recent actually, but that's a story for another time...


Sorry it's short, if I'm perfectly honest I wanted to write a more gruesome interrogation but nah-I'll do another one of these eventually.

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