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{No Ones P.O.V}

     Papers were scattered around the room and Tord was groaning and clutching his eyes-the pain unbearable. "Tord please, I know you might think Toms your 'friend'-but he's not. Your our friend...I don't want to do this Tord-", Matt was cut off by a whisper from the slightly smaller male.

"Excuse me?", Matt said not trying to sound rude and kind of succeeded. "There's a base underneath the clock tower-fuckin' bastard...", Tord let out a small whimper as Matt grabbed his chin making the man look at him. "There we go, now let me just put these on.", Matt grabbed the visors sliding them onto Tord's face making him jolt in pain. The circuits poke around his eyes managing to squeeze in and slide into where they needed to be. During this process Tord was on the floor screaming in pain as blood trickled down from his eyes.

"Now let's see if that memory erase function Elizabeth programmed actually works...", Tord looked at the man with surprise after hearing the sentence. "Wh-what?", Matt scoffed before grabbing the man by the collar. "Memory erase. Now you have some useful information in you-meaning we take out all the 'good' memories you had with the ass-hat ok?", Tord froze in place as blood kept pouring from his eyes.

"No...", the mixture of tears and blood made the scene much more depressing making Matt have slight regret. But not enough. "I'm sorry Tord.", he goes to press the button before a hand stops him. "WAIT! Please...let me-let me talk to him...please.", Tord was a crying mess the blood slowly fading.

Matt looked at his friend, he was hurt seeing him this state. So he agreed. "Fine, that's if we get a hold of him. Then your memories are gone.", Tord looked up at his friend giving a slight smile and let go of his arm. His smile faded seeing the man exit the room and slam the door shut.

{Tords P.O.V}

     I look around wiping the tears off my face and scurrying to the window, I try and think of what to do until it hits me. I don't know if the visors have range to so mind erasing, I need to get this off. I grab onto the visors before reluctantly trying to pull it off. A wave of pain hit me causing me to grip onto the visor. "God fucking-DAMMIT!", I let go of the visor and hit the window.

     I see a small crack emerge making me have slight hope until I see my bloody knuckles. Of course I could go into monster mode and break open the window but-my eyes would hurt even more and honestly that's the last thing I want. Jehovah, can't Matt make good visors? Maybe this is just for mind erasing...fucking hell.

     I go to punch the window again until I hear the door open revealing Edd. "Tod...what are you doing...?", he goes to step towards me until he sees all the blood. The blood under the visor and on my hand of course. "Edd...hey...", I go to give him a smirk before having a pain surge through me.

     He runs over helping me up and taking me out of the room. "Where are we going?", he has a more stern face on which is slightly surprising-and takes me down another hallway. "My room, those wounds won't bandage themselves!", he tries and gives me a smile as we finally reach a door. He opens it revealing a green room and a small cat laying on the bed.

     "Now let's get you patched up!".

{Toms P.O.V}

     I run down a hallway Jaylen close behind, the rebellion was attempting to make contact with us-it had to be about Tord. "BLUE-SLOW DOOOWN!", Jaylens voice became more faint as I quickens my pace with only Tord in mind. I burst through the doors to see a semi annoyed Jacob looking at the phone.

     Before he could say anything I tell him to answer the phone. "Right away sir.", he picked up the phone handing it to me cautiously. "Who is this?", my voice stern and cold had sent shivers to nearby soldiers in the room. "Hello Blue Leader.", the voice was so familiar-the voice that made my blood boil. "Hello Matt.", the room was quiet knowing one sound could end their existence-I was in the mood so there was no stoping me.

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