~Please Let Me Do The Honor...~

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The next day had risen, Tom surprisingly not hungover. Somehow-I honestly don't even know. Yet...something else made his head ache, the need for revenge. The want for him.

A new confidence filed him today, he was determined to find the shack. And this time...there won't be any going back. There won't be anymore waiting. Just him. In his arms. Again.

"Tom?", Jacob asked watching him prepare.
"Yes.", he replied, his voice filed by anger and hatred.

"...the soldiers are ready.", Jacob said-a bit stern. You see the boy always admired how confident and stubborn Tom could act, he always and still looked up to him. He could feel it radiate off of him...Tom hasn't acted like that in a long time.

This made Jacob happier.

Tom looked back with a certain gleam in his voids, "Where's Charlotte?", he asked-trying to hide his excitement.

"She's in the hallway-", with that he was pushed aside, letting Tom see the curly haired girl.

"Charlotte.", he said his voice stern get light. She nodded and Jacob watched as the two walked off. He followed behind Jaylen soon joining. "Hey J-", he was cut off by a scoff from the girl.

"What?-", he questioned as she picked up the pace. "You've been ignoring me...", she said quite glum. Jacob scratches the back off his neck about to speak yet-he didn't have an excuse...or didn't know what to say.

He just said a quite, "Sorry...", then he quickened his pace standing by Thomas's side.

{Tords POV}

I woke up-well technically the sun rose. I hadn't been able to sleep, I felt happier...as if something was going on. I laid on my bed looking at the ceiling. What were these memories? Visions? I don't know what they are and I'm content with that.

But let's be honest that was a lie.

I groan sitting up quickly, a certain energy fueling me to be awake. I heard a knock at my door, my heart almost beating out of my chest.
I open it... "Hello-"

{Toms POV}

I walk down the halls, turning and twisting until I reach outside. A large amount of soldiers coming along, "So Charlotte, are you ready?", I glanced down at her.

She nodded slowly, determination spread all over her face. "Then, lead the way.", I watch as she takes lead and I follow close behind.

Had they been to my base before, or does she just assume this is the right way, I shrugged. Hours it feels like have passed-but it was always just minutes-minutes...I let out a heavy sigh as we reach the outside of the base.

Charlotte waits for my signal, I nod leading the troops with her by my side. Our steps were quiet yet quick, my heart beating faster by the second. This could all be a trick-a lie...ahem could be leading us into a fucking trap. I grunted stepping over a tree root. I could see Jacob at the corner of my eye, he was mainly talking to Jaylen but she gave no response.

I just sighed and continued onward, until we reached a small hut, clearly old yet somewhat stable. Vines growing up from the sides and the windows were foggy and clearly unkept. Now, I'm no expert in bases but this surely isn't one...

"Here we are!", the curly haired girl had said with excitement and a clear nervous tone.

I couldn't help but give a small laugh, "Your joking...", I said returning to my usual monotone voice. Charlotte rubbed the back of her neck, "It's underground-", she said still looking quite nervous.

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