The bus

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The TV is starting to get boring, the only things that seem to be on now is pointless game shows where if you lose you get dumped in a fish tank or something equally as ridiculous as that.

From the kitchen I hear the home phone start to ring. I get up off the couch and walk through the sitting room to the kitchen.

"Hello Jaeger residence," I mutter through the phone.

"Hi Eren? It's me Joshua," Says my friend "How have you been?"

"Oh hi!" I say "Yeah I'm doing ok," I say smiling, I haven't seen Joshua in a month or so because of exams so it's a surprise to hear him on the phone. "How about you?" I ask "Are you doing ok?"

"I'm great thanks, wow I haven't talked to you in ages Jaeger."

"Haha," I snicker in to the phone, "Hey, you wanna meet up today?"

"Yeah sure, but can I bring my brother?" Joshua pleads "He just broke up with his girlfriend and he's a bit down..."

"Ok, that'd be fun, see you at 10 in the park?" I ask while checking the time.

"Okay, bye."


He hangs up the phone first and I listen to the beeping sounds for a second then put down the phone. My stomach starts to rumble vigorously and I realise I haven't eaten anything. I get out porridge oats, honey, milk, raisins and berries and begin to fling everything into a bowl and shove it in the microwave.

After my rather overcooked breakfast I grab my coat, my phone and my earphones and head out the door.

"Shit my keys," I say aloud before almost locking myself out of the house. I go back in to get my keys when I find a letter on the kitchen table I didn't see earlier. It's for Mikasa so I guess I'll leave it.

On the walk down to the bus I see a little gang of 11 and 12 year old kids. They think they're so tough its actually hilarious, one of them yells at me "HEY FUCKER CUT YOUR HAIR!"

Their little group laughs at the comment until I shut them by saying

"Hey kid I'll knife you."

Obviously I was joking I don't have a knife but they think I do and they look terrified and then one starts backing away, then running and everyone screams and runs away too. I almost choked trying to contain my laughter.

At the bus stop there is an old woman there who is trying to pick up all her bits of newspaper that fell on the ground. "Here let me get that for you," I say while bending down to pick them up.

"Why thank you young man," the woman smiles at me "With my bad back I could have never picked those up."

"It's no problem, glad to help," I say.

The bus comes 10 minutes late and everyone is quite annoyed, what made it even worse was that the bus driver was denying the fact that he was late and saying, "I'm not late, you all just came to early," and "don't be stupid, look here the clock says 9:30 that's when the bus comes."

I sit down at the back of the bus to try get some alone time. I put in my earphones and with music full blast I just sit and admire the world outside of the bus windows.

A scruffy man sits down beside me, he was quite tall but he was hugely overweight so he seemed like a giant. He looked like he hasn't slept in days because he had huge dark circles under his eyes and his eyes were a tint of red. Either he lacked sleep or he was high... Or both.

It's really annoying that he sat beside me because there are about 13 seats that are free but no! He just had to sit beside me.

After a few minutes of awkward silence the old guy suddenly whispers "Hey, hey kid,"

"Um y-yes sir?" I say trying to sound polite and innocent which is difficult seeing as that's the exact opposite to what I usually act like.

"Wanna buy some drugs?" He says pulling a plastic bag full of white powder out of his pocket.

Holy shit holy shit holy shit

"No thanks," I say trying not to leap out of the window.

I get up and walk to another seat as far away as possible from him and as I sit down I hear him mumble,

"It's your loss kid hehe."

The rest of the journey goes ok I guess, no more drug dealers at least.

The bus stops outside the park. "Thank you," I say to the bus driver as I get off. I walk into the park still pretty pale from the whole drug thing but then I see Joshua and I calm down a bit.

"Hey Eren! Over here!" He calls.

"Hi," I say "where's your brother I thought he was coming too?"

"Oh he's just getting us some drinks, he'll be back in a sec."

We wait on the park bench and then I see a short guy around my age with an undercut and three cans of monster walk over to us.

"Eren, this is my brother Levi," Joshua says introducing us.

"Hello Eren," he says with a hint of a smile.

"Um hello," I say.

I can feel myself blushing because wow is he attractive.

Author's note: Hi, I just wanted to say that this story is all OCC but there is going to be a few OCs that aren't in attack on titan, Joshua etc.

I hope your enjoying it so far ( ╯▽╰ )/

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