The Park

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Author's note: Hello again ^u^, sorry it took so long to update, I hope you enjoy!!

As Joshua, Levi and I are strolling through the park I notice little habits Levi has, for example, whenever we see litter on the ground he scowls and picks it up and keeps it until we find a bin...

Oh! And also, He points out errors Joshua makes, for example, Joshua coughed and didn't cover his mouth when he coughed and Levi spRAYED HIM WITH DISINFECTANT!!

Seriously that guy is a bit of a hygiene freak.

But still...

AGH stop stop! I'm blushing I can tell, my face is getting all hot.

"Eren you ok?" Joshua asks genuinely concerned which of course only makes it worse.

"Yeah yeah fine," I say looking away, I don't want Levi to see me like this.

"Here let me have a look," Levi says.

Levi comes closer to me, putting a hand on my forehead, he then looks into my eyes and says "I think your coming down with something."

"No no I'm fine I swear," I say.

And then something weird happens... Levi blushes! Only a little but I can see it!

Wait...What...Why would he blush.

"Um, lets get going guys," Joshua says, a bit suspicious of the fact that me and Levi are looking opposite directions with slightly pink faces.

We start walking again, and its actually quite fun,

We feed the ducks, laugh, talk about hot models, you know guy stuff and then we go back to Joshua's and have pizza and watch scary movies making bets on who's gonna die first... I lost ¥3561... As you can tell I'm not that good at betting.

"Oh, I gotta go get Mikasa, bye guys!" I say grabbing my stuff.

"W-wait Eren!" I hear from behind me as I head out the door.

I turn around expecting to see Joshua but it's Levi.


"We should all hang out again," he says.

"Yeah! Today was really fun," I say blushing.

I smile a bit and so does he and boy does he look good when he smiles, then we start laughing.

"Eren?" Joshua appears by the door, "I thought you had to go?"

"Oh shit!" I say speeding off down the road.

"Bye Joshua, bye Levi!" I shout.

I see them both waving by the door.


I speed down to the bus stop and the bus is already there, I have to sprint to get there. The doors start to close.

"Hey, wait!" I manage through extreme panting.

The bus driver somehow hears me and reopens the doors.

"Thanks," I say while scanning my bus card.

I head to the back, hopefully they'll be no drug dealers this time.

I put in my earphones and turn the volume up full blast.

I can't seem to stop thinking about Levi, I keep trying to distract myself but it always ends up being about Levi again. Things such as

Levi is so hot holy crap!      Unf      I want one.

No one sits beside me this time which is good, I get to my stop, press the button and get off the bus.

Walking down to the house I notice something I hadn't before, I was wearing Mikasa's favourite scarf... Oops.

I kind of jog/fast walk back to the house and get there with time to spare before heading down to the bus stop Mikasa gets off at. I would let her come back alone but it's a bit of a walk and... Well its getting kind of dark and she's tired so she couldn't beat the shit out of a rapist like last time someone tried to get her in their van, I arrived at the scene and all the men were knocked out, they all had ad least 4 teeth missing. I gave out to her but it was kind of pointless cause I almost lost a tooth as well...

I take off my coat and quickly head upstairs to use the bathroom, just in time too. I pull back up my zipper and wash my hands cause you know, I'm hygienic, dry them and head back downstairs. I grab my coat and head out the door for the third time today.

I put on my coat as I speed walk down to the stop. I get there and the bus isn't here yet so I sit down on the bench under the little rain shelter thing and I put in my earphones.

About six minutes later the bus comes round the corner and I get up. People get off the bus but I don't see Mikasa, I start to get worried.

"Mikasa?" I say into the bus.

"Here, here, just tying my lace."

"Oh ok," I say relieved.

"What a cute couple," the bus driver says winking at me.

"Eh!?!" Mikasa retorts, clearly disgusted.

"Em, we are brother and sister.." I say to the bus driver trying to cover up Mikasa's impolite slip up.

"Oh!" He says looking bright red, "I'm so sorry!" Still bright red, "Please forgive me I didn't realize!"

I nod and walk awkwardly away, Mikasa follows.

Ew! How could he even, BLEUGH. Honestly people these days, they ship anything that moves...

"Hey Eren," Mikasa asks.


"Can, can I punch him?"

I start laughing and we have to stop walking for a minute.

"I wouldn't advise it," I say brushing away tears.

A smile spreads across Mikasa's face, I think she knows very well that she can't punch him.

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