Mikasa's popular?

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When we have arrived back at the house, I take off my jacket, again, and Mikasa throws hers at me and I hang them both up in the closet.

"Eren, I'm hungry," Mikasa moans as she stomps into the kitchen.

"Do I have magic wand?" I say being as sarcastic as possible, "No, make yourself some food."

"Mean..." Mikasa mumbles.

I jog up the stairs to get my onesie cause I'm cool like that, when I hear Mikasa screaming.

"MIKASA!?" I shout leaping down the stairs half naked. I find her looking at the letter I saw earlier and she looks very happy.

"Aah!" She says excitedly, "I'm invited to Historia's party!"

Of course... Historia is one of the most popular girls in our year and for halloween each year she has this huge party and invites lots of people from our school and other schools.

"What?" I ask.

"I'm invited!" She squeals.

"Your popular?" I ask, "You have friends?"

She hits me and storms off as I'm laughing.

"Oh, by the way Jaegar, It's tonight and your invited too so make yourself presentable."

"What?!" I ask suprised as ever.

"You can't go in a onesie can you?" She says while going upstairs.

I start to say "No not that" but she's already gone.

Me? Invited to a party? The whole world must have flipped upside down then...

I go upstairs and take off the trousers I had left on when I was trying to put on my onesie.

"A halloween party..." I murmur to myself as I look through my wardrobe searching for something to wear. I take out numerous things until I find a few costumes.

Kinky nurse? Hahaha No

Frankenstein.... Nah

Werewolf.... Nope

Ooh, I find a vampire costume. I take it out of the wardrobe and try it on and it fits perfectly.

"Scary," Mikasa mumbles sarcastically while passing by my door.

"I know right," I say to her smirking.

"Ugh, just hurry up!"

Once I've got my cheap set of vampire teeth, my cape and hair slicked back I am ready to go.

Mikasa walks out of her room in a nurse outfit... A sexy nurse.

"Mikasa, what are you wearing?" I ask.

"Fabric, and quite comfy fabric at that," she retaliates.

"Go get changed!" I order.

"Well, if your willing to go to a party shop with me and buy one just half an hour before the party be my guest," she says sneering at me knowing she has won.

"Slut..." I mumble as I walk downstairs.

Mikasa soon comes downstairs and we both head out of the house towards the bus stop.


"Is that the bus? Mikasa asks while looking out through the rain from under the bus stop shelter.

"Uhm," I say while checking the timetable, "Yeah!"

Mikasa puts her hand out and the bus stops, it's not the guy who thought we were dating though, it's an old man with white hair and a weird look on his face.

"Hello little lady," he says while looking her up and down.

Mikasa scans her bus card and quickly walks to the back without even giving him a second glance, I scan mine, give the perv a scowl and then follow her.

"This is why I told you not to wear that!" I whisper.

"Oh shut up, it's only one guy, I'll knock out anyone if they touch me anyway so it's all good," she says.

"Typical Mikasa," I say quietly laughing to myself.

After a ten or fifteen minute bus ride we get off on the end of a long street. We have to walk around for a while but it doesn't take to long before we notice a big house with music blaring from it.

We walk in and all I see is a sea of guys searching for Historia and a few girls talking and dancing.

"Eren!" I hear to my right.

I turn around and see Joshua with some of his school friends.

"I'll be right over!" I call to them.

I turn around to tell Mikasa that I'm going to sit with them but she has already gone off with her friends to get some drinks.

Huh some sister

I walk over to Joshua and his friends and sit down.

"Nice outfit," Joshua complements me... I think it's a compliment anyway.

"You too," I say, he has a spiderman costume on.

His friends consist of a ghost, a banana and a cheerleader. They seem like pretty cool guys.


The night goes really well, everyone gets on the dance floor at one stage and they play really loud techno music and some bands I like. Then the pizza arrives, there's at least 30 boxes of large pizzas.

Then Joshua gets a text on his phone and says, "I'll be back in a minute," and goes outside.

He comes back a minute or two later with someone, it's Levi.

"Oh, hi Eren!" He says over the loud music.

"Hi Levi!" I call back.

After a while the music has calmed down a bit and people can actually talk to each other without shouting. Historia then comes over to us.

"Hi Eren! I'm glad you could make it! I didn't know this many people would actually show up, enjoy the party!" She says cheerfully and then walks away.

"Thanks, I will!" I call after her.

"Eren likes Historia Eren likes Historia," Joshua chants.

I punch him playfully laughing, "No I don't shut up Joshua."

Levi suddenly looks uncomfortable and a bit sick.

"Hey you ok?" Joshua asks.

"Yeah I just need a glass of water," he responds, his speech wavering.

"I'll bring him to the kitchen," I say and me and Levi get up and walk to the kitchen.

We go in and there's no one there, I walk over to the shelves and get down a glass.

"Um, Eren?" Levi says his voice catching.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Close your eyes," he says.


"What?" I ask concerned.

"Just do it, please?" He pleads.

"Ok fine," I say closing my eyes.


He kisses me.

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