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Back at school I hear people whispering, and giggling. They're staring at me and nudging their friends, pointing at me. And I'm not really sure why.

"Heh look it's gayger," I hear a guy say who I don't even know as he passes me.

"Look! It's the gay kid!" I hear girls mutter to each other.

Shit    he told people    god dammit

"LOOK WHO IT IS!" I hear to my far left.

I turn around and see Jean standing there with a group of his friends.

"Hello Jean," I say coldly and turn around to walk away.

"Oooooooo," his friends tease.

Jean walks over to me and pulls me back.

"Agh get off!" I order struggling to stay upright.

"Awh look at the fuckboy struggling awwwhhh," I hear one of the guys saying.

"Hey Eren, what's it like to kiss a guy huh? Is it niccceeee? Does it make you feel good?" Jean spits and his friends all laugh.

I try escape his grip and get a punch in the stomach, it hurts a lot but there's no way I'll show pain in front of these douchebags.

"Leave me alone," I say almost crying because of the pain, "what the fuck could you possibly want with me?"

Jean and his friends laugh and they all give each other knowing glances and Jean then whispers in my ear, "To make your life a living hell."

The he drops me and walks off, leaving me leaning against a wall in so much pain, his friends then follow but two stay behind and I get two more punches to my gut.

I have to go find a bathroom because I know I'm gonna be sick, when I get into the bathrooms there is no one else in there which is good, I need some time alone. I limp to one of the stalls and fling open the seat, just in time too.

I'm still there ten minutes later head in the toilet bowl, vomiting my guts out wishing, wishing Levi were here to comfort me.

Finally I stop spewing everywhere but I still have to stay for a while because I keep gagging. I would be still throwing up but there is nothing left to throw up.

I get up and stumble along to the sink and wash my hands and my face, and then, I start crying.

"Stop Eren Jaegar, stupid dipshit, stop crying!" I'm telling myself over and over again.

But I can't stop, the tears won't stop, it's just an endless flow of dispear and wails. After a while I give in to it and go back to the stall and sit on the closed seat cross legged whimpering to myself. I'm not sure how long I'm there for but I don't really care. All I want is Levi to be here with me, hugging me, saying it's gonna be ok, but, it's not going to be ok.

"Is Eren Jaegar in here?" I hear a woman say.

I wipe my eyes with my sleeve and somehow manage to choke out "Yes! I'm here."

The woman walks over to the stall and looks at me with a sympathetic look on her face.

"Eren you have been in here for two hours, some students came to me and reported what those guys did to you," she says while helping me up.

I'm too weak to stand on my own so she just hugs me, it feels so safe so I embrace her, after about five minutes of sniffles I can get up.

"I'm the school nurse, in case you didn't know, and I heard about what happened," she says to me while giving me a bit of tissue,"I think you should go home and get some rest, have you been sick?"

"Uhm yeah, I was getting sick non stop a while ago," I say to her in a muffled voice.

"Oh dear, well you get yourself home then, if anything happens come and talk to me ok?"

"I will, thank you so much," I say tearing up a bit and then I quickly leave the bathrooms and leave the school premises.

On the way home all I can think about is the pain in my stomach, the shit storm that's probably going to unfold and Levi.

Then I realise something that stops me in my tracks.

What if the same thing happened to him today...

I grab my phone and violently plug in Joshua's number.

"Pick up pick up!" I mutter to myself.

"Hello?" I hear after a while.

"JOSHUA, DOES LEVI GO TO YOUR SCHOOL?" I ask almost yelling.

"JEESUS EREN CALM DOWN! Yes he does go to my school why do you ask?" He replies with but I interrupt him by saying,"I'LL TELL YOU LATER," and hang up.

I'm running, the pain is trying to keep me back but I fight through it and keep running. I stumble and trip a lot but I have to get to Levi, tears running down my face hoping, begging that the worst hasn't happened.

I arrive at his school at the first break time and look through the gates, my eyes darting around in search of Levi, then I see him.

He looks unharmed thank god.

"Levi?" I call to him.

Levi looks around to see who called him and then he sees me and looks surprised.

"Eren?" He calls while jogging over to me with a smile on his face and then he sees I have been crying and the smile immediately disappears.

"Eren what's wrong? What happened?" He asks me looking very worried.

"Jean told everyone, his friends, three punches, crying in the bathroom for two hours, allowed leave early," I say through sobs then start clinging to him, "They really hurt me."

Levi looks like he's about to cry, "Oh Eren," he whispers and holds me close I cry against him.

"I wished you were there, I just wanted to hold you."

"I know, I know, but I'm here now," Levi whispers.

"I was throwing up non stop, everything I ate," I cry into his shoulder.

And then Levi does start crying.

"Eren you'll be ok I'm here now, I'll protect you," Levi says firmly to me.

I then pull away from him and look him straight in the eyes and whimper, "They said they'll make my life a living hell."

And then Levi's expression is hard to read, it looks as if he's thinking about doing something irrational.

"I won't let them, if we ever see them in public shit is going down," he snarls and then he pulls me back in for another hug.

Then I hear bells.

"Shit, that's the bell I have to go back inside," Levi says.

"No," I start to say, "Don't leave me," I cry.

"Call over after school ok? I'll see you then," he says then kisses me and turns around to leave.

"No," I say to myself grabbing at nothing.

Don't go

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