Levi's a sweetheart... I think

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After talking to Mikasa for awhile a nurse comes into the room and asks to talk to me for a minute outside.

"Your sister is going to be ok but we need her to stay here a night or two just to make sure," the nurse says in her high pitched voice.

"Oh, ok," I reply, not really sure what to say after such a crazy day.

"Visiting hours however are over so I'll let you say goodbye then, I'm afraid, you have to leave," the nurse says.

"Ok... Thanks."

I walk back into the room to find Mikasa half asleep, "I have to go now ok?"

"Fine, but visit me tomorrow," she says through a yawn.

"Of course," I say smiling, "bye."



"Hey Joshua, it's me, I was wondering could I call over for awhile? Call me back," I say leaving a voice message for Joshua.

It's been a few hours since I left the hospital and now I'm just here at home by myself wondering what to do with all this time on my hands. I turn on the TV and it looks like something interesting is happening.
"The body of a man has been found under a restaurants floorboards at 4 o'clock today, the owner of the restaurant has been taken in for questioning with following interrogations on the other workers tomorrow morning."

Boringgg, I change the channel only to find a stupid game show.

"Agh why is everything so boring!?" I think out loud.

My phone starts ringing and I pick it up, "Hello?"

"Hey Eren it's Joshua, so you still wanna come over?"

"Yeah that would be great! See you soon," I mumble into the phone.

"Haha ok, bye," Joshua replies before hanging up.


When I get to Joshua's house I knock on the door, I have to wait for a minute before I hear someone tumbling down the stairs and opening the door, it's Levi. "Hey Levi!" I say cheerfully.

"Oh hi Eren," he says smiling, "come in."

I go into their house and look around, Joshua's not there.

"Where's Joshua?" I ask.

"He went out, I explained to him that I wanted to talk to you about something serious, it took awhile but he finally said ok and now he's out with some of his other friends I think," Levi said like it was nothing.

"Oh, thanks," I say surprised at his nonchalant attitude.

"Well come on," he says pulling me along into the sitting room, I follow him into the room and am a little taken back. Levi has made cups of cocoa, and put out blankets on the couch.

"Awh," I say.

"Shut up," he says giggling.

We walk over to the couch I and sit down, not holding my cup because I remembered what happened last time I tried to sit down with a drink. Levi sits down beside me and I kind of cuddle into him, he gives me my drink then starts to sip his.

"How many guys were there?" Levi asks after a moment of silence.

"Hm?" I ask surprised by this random question.

"How many beat you up, made fun of you," Levi says with a nasty look on his face.

"Levi can we not talk about this now," I say painfully.

Levi notices my tone of voice and says, "We have to talk about it sometime but... alright."

We sit for awhile talking about life, kissing, drinking our cocoa, more kissing.

When our drinks are finished we just look at each other for a minute.. then I'm filled with an urge, to kiss him and do... things... with him.
"Hey Eren," Levi says.

"Yeah," I reply.

"Come upstairs, but give me a minute," he says then he gets up and leaves.

AUTHORS NOTE: Hi! Sorry I haven't updated, I haven't had much inspiration. But I'm back now and I have some stuff in for you >:3 XD

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