Chapter 8

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Yuzu walked out of the place and headed to the apartment. On her way to her place she pulled her phone out sending a message to Harumin and Matsuri to meet up at her apartment. She smiled but then her smile faded seeing Sara waiting
She is still waiting for Mei? Hm? What could've Shai and Mei talked about?
"Hey Sara...still waiting for Mei?" Yuzu asked
"Yes. Do you know why she is taking so long?" Sara asked
"No...not at all" Yuzu lied
"Hm? Well okay then. I'll wait for my dear Mei" Sara said
Your dear Mei? suppose to be with me!
"Yeah...okay" Yuzu said as she walked away
"Mei!" Sara said. Yuzu's eyes widen and stopped. She turned around and saw Mei. Sara ran up to Mei and hugged her. Mei hugged her back with a emotionless look on her face. Yuzu looked at Mei and felt her heartache. She just turned around and walked to the apartment. She was followed by Sara and Mei since Mei invited Sara in. Yuzu got inside the apartment and sat down on the couch with her phone out. Mei looked at Yuzu and remembered what Shai told her
Those two...seem to be really close and happy pisses me off
"Sara...want to watch TV?" Mei asked
"Sure" Sara said with a smile. Mei and Sara sat next to each other then Sara leaned against her shoulder. Yuzu just glared at them and felt her anger boil inside her. Sara looked over at Yuzu and looked at Mei
"What is it?" Mei asked
"A kiss please" Sara said and pouted. Mei leaned in and kissed Sara. She pulled away since it was a small kiss. Yuzu just gritted her teeth and felt her heart ache terribly
I swear! I'll fucking-ugh! No Yuzu! Don't think that way!
Suddenly the bell rung and Yuzu stood up walking up to the door. She opened it and saw Harumin and Matsuri
"Hey guys" Yuzu said as she smiled
"Hey Yuzucchi" Harumin said
"Hey Yuzu onee-chan!" Matsuri said and hugged her
"Woah! Hey not so tight!" Yuzu said
"Hehe sorry" Matsuri said and pulled away. She looked over at Mei and saw the small white haired purple eyed girl beside her. Matsuri just glared at Mei and looked away
I hate her so much for what she did to Yuzu-chan...
"Anyways Yuzu why did you ask us to come here?" Matsuri asked
"Oh it's a surprise. You're going to definitely love it" Yuzu said and smiled brightly. Yuzu's phone vibrated and she looked at it then smiled
"She's here! Come on!" Yuzu said walking away
"Eh? Who's here?" Matsuri asked
"You'll see" Harumin said. Mei couldn't help but follow them and she did. She stood up from the couch and followed Yuzu outside. Mei got out and her eyes widen seeing a limousine in front of them. Shai got out of the car and smiled brightly
"Hey!" Shai said. Matsuri's eyes widen and trembled a bit
"Sh-shai? Shai-chan?" Matsuri asked
"Matsuri-chan!" Shai said. Matsuri smiled brightly and ran up to Shai wrapping her arms around Shai. Shai giggled and smiled as she hugged her back
"Hey Matsuri-chan. Long time no see" Shai said and smiled
"When did you come back?" Matsuri asked
"Just this morning. I'm going to the Aihara Academy now" Shai said
"Hell yeah! Then that means I get to visit you and Yuzu-chan!" Matsuri said
"Come on. We should go have fun!" Yuzu said and wrapped an arm around Harumin
"Hehe you seem excited" Harumin giggled
"Of course I am" Yuzu said
"What are we waiting for? Let's go!" Matsuri said and got inside the limousine. Yuzu smiled and turned around seeing Mei
"Ah hey Mei. Mind telling mama that I'll be back late?" Yuzu asked
"Sure..." Mei said. Shai just glared at her and turned around
Stay away from Yuzu...
"Let's go guys" Shai said. Harumin and Yuzu got inside the limousine with Shai then drove off. Mei stood there on the sidewalk and clenched her fists tightly. She let out a growl and groaned. Sara held her hand and looked at her
"Mei? Is everything alright?" Sara asked
"Yes...everything is alright" Mei said
No...everything isn't okay. That fucking bitch is going to do something...

"Wow! You're so rich!" Matsuri said and looked at the snack
"Hehe go ahead Matsuri" Shai said
"Thanks Shai-chan!" Matsuri said and started eating the chocolates
"Where should we go?" Harumin asked
"Hm? How about we go to karaoke?" Yuzu asked
"Hehe sure. Sir to the karaoke please" Shai said
"Yes ma'am" The driver said and drove to the karaoke. Once they got there, the group walked inside and ordered a room. They got in and tried looking for a song
"Hey Yuzu. How about this one? Let's sing it together" Shai said. Yuzu looked at the song and laughed a bit
"Isn't this the first song we both sang too when we were kids?" Yuzu asked
"Oh come now. Let's try to relive our childhood" Shai said
"Hehe sure why not" Yuzu said. Shai and Yuzu both started singing beautifully and danced a bit which made Harumin and Matsuri laugh
"Oh man! Hahaha! This really brings so many memories" Yuzu laughed as they finished up the song
"Jeez I feel so embarrassed" Shai said as she covered her blushing face
"No way! You two sounded amazing together!" Harumin said and smiled
"Yeah! You two are awesome! Maybe you two should become singers. You'd be super famous" Matsuri said
"Oh come on now. Stop it guys. You're embarrassing us" Yuzu said as she blushed
"Shai seems much more embarrassed" Matsuri said and giggled. Shai kept covering her face and trembled letting out a whimper
"Jeez your face is really red" Harumin said and laughed
"Sh-shut up" Shai said. Yuzu looked at her and removed her hands from her face
"Hehe calm down Shai. It's okay" Yuzu said and smiled brightly. Shai looked at Yuzu and nodded
"Maybe we should get a snack after this. How about the cafe?" Yuzu asked
"I'm okay as long as you buy me cake" Matsuri said
"What is with you? You have money don't you? You get money but doing...ugh...that thing" Harumin said a bit disgusted
"No worries. It's all on me" Shai said as she smiled timidly since she still felt embarrassed
"What? Shai I can pay" Yuzu said
"N-no need to. I want you all to have fun" Shai said
"Shai you're the best!" Matsuri said and leaned against Harumin
"Hey! I'm not your pillow!" Harumin said. Matsuri groaned and laid down on Harumin's lap then looked up seeing her chest
"Ah what a wonderful view" Matsuri giggled
"Wh-why you!" Harumin said irritated and blushed deeply
"Hehe you two seem like you get along just fine" Shai giggled
"Yeah I'm so glad they're doing just fine" Yuzu said. Harumin just sighed and Matsuri kept drooling over Harumin's boobs. After karaoke was over, Shai and the others headed over to the cafe. They all ordered something to drink and eat
"Mmm~ This cake is so amazing" Matsuri said and smiled
"You really love cake don't you?" Harumin asked
"Want some?" Matsuri asked. Harumin looked at her and sighed a bit
"F-fine" Harumin said. Matsuri took a small piece and fed Harumin. Harumin blushed a bit and licked her lips licking a bit of frosting off her lips
"It taste good right?" Matsuri asked and winked. Harumin just glared at her for a moment before replying with a nod. Shai giggled and turned to look at Yuzu who was just spacing out while looking at her plate
"Hey Yuzu...want to stay over and sleep at my place tonight?" Shai asked
"Huh? want me to stay at your place?" Yuzu asked
"Mhm. Just to spend more time and catch up" Shai said as she smiled
"Heh...I'd love that. I'll tell my mother about it. Oh wait I need to get my school clothes then since we have school tomorrow" Yuzu said
"Sure and it be a great chance to say hi to Auntie Ume" Shai said and smiled
"Oh that's right! Mother was really excited when she heard that you're back" Yuzu said and giggled
"Awww hehe...I missed you guys too" Shai said
"Why did you move away?" Matsuri asked. Shai just looked at her and sighed deeply then looked out the window
"It's just...a few things changed in my family. It was a surprise that my father's side of the family was rich and my grandmother was looking for a successor. She wanted a girl to take over the family instead of boys so...hehe I was chosen" Shai said and looked back at them. Yuzu looked at her and thought
Of course she won't tell the truth. It's not only because of that...but something happened to your family...
"Anyways let's head back. It's getting pretty late. I can give you two a ride home" Shai said
"That'd be great" Harumin said
"Mind dropping me off with Harumin?" Matsuri asked
"Wh-what?!" Harumin exclaimed
"Uhm...hehe will if that is what Matsuri wants then sure" Shai said. Matsuri smirked while Harumin just glared at her
Ugh! Why does life hate me?!
The gang ended up going home and Shai dropped both Harumin and Matsuri at the house
"Bye Shai and thanks for everything. Also Yuzucchi...I just hope everything is okay" Harumin said and smiled
"Hehe thanks Harumin" Yuzu said
"It was a pleasure to meet you Taniguchi-san" Shai said
"Oh please call me Harumin. We're friends" Harumin said and smiled
"Hehe okay Harumin. Bye Matsuri. Nice to see you again!" Shai said
"And it was nice to see you again. Also you're amazing! You too Yuzu-chan! Bye!" Matsuri said. Shai and Yuzu left heading to the apartment. Harumin smile faded and sighed deeply
"Now you can leave" Harumin said
"Huh? Aren't you going to invite me in?" Matsuri asked
"Why would I? All you're going to do is cause trouble. You got me in trouble with my sister. I had to explain the situation" Harumin said and groaned
"Hehe but as your girlfriend I can comfort you" Matsuri said
"For the last're not my girlfriend!" Harumin shouted
"Jeez sorry. It was a joke..." Matsuri said
"Whatever...I have to sleep and get ready for tomorrow. I hope Yuzu's okay with all this. I still can't believe the Prez would do such a thing like that to her..." Harumin said
"'re worried about Yuzu?" Matsuri asked
"Yes. Obviously. She's my best friend..." Harumin said
"A friend without benefits..." Matsuri mumbled as she looked down. Harumin's eyes widen and looked at Matsuri
"What is your problem?" Harumin asked
"My problem? The problem is that you can't move on from Yuzu. Yuzu has already rejected you and there is nothing you can do about it. Yuzu only sees you as a friend and nothing more so why bother on trying to make her fall for you?" Matsuri asked
"I'm not trying to make her fall for me. I'm only helping what if I still like her? It's my feelings. Not yours..." Harumin said as she glared at her
"But you should move on already and look at someone else who actually does like you!" Matsuri said raising her voice
"Okay! Shut up already and leave! You caused me so much trouble! I don't get what your problem is but just stop bothering me! You're just an annoying brat!" Harumin said. Matsuri felt her heart ache and tears built up in her eyes
"Fuck you!" Matsuri shouted before running away. Harumin just sighed feeling slightly bad but shook her head
Whatever...I don't even know what her god damn problem is
Harumin just opened the door and saw her big sister on the couch watching TV. Mitsuko turned the TV off and stood up
"Did you have an arguement with your little kitty?" Mitsuko asked
"Wh-what? Ugh! She's not my god damn girlfriend!" Harumin said and stomped to her room. Mitsuko watched her leave and rolled her eyes
Jeez're so stupid. No wonder father chose me to be the next heir to the Taniguchi family. Not only because I'm older but because I'm smarter than you. That kitten is in love with you...
Mitsuko walked to the window and looked outside
And that kitten seemed hurt...and that look in her a look that only I know
Meanwhile Harumin was in her room laying down in bed. She stated at the ceiling and sighed deeply
What was Matsuri's problem? I seriously don't get her at all...and now Mitsuko is asking me about-wait...Mitsuko just called Matsuri...k-kitty!?

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