Chapter 35

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"Shai what did you do!?" Yuzu exclaimed grabbing Shai. Shai only trembled and looked away avoiding Yuzu's eyes
"Tell me!" Yuzu shouted
"Y-yuzucchi calm down" Harumin said grabbing Yuzu but Yuzu tighten her grip on Shai
"I-I wanted to talk to Aihara-san but then I couldn't...c-control myself then attacked her. She kept trying to talk to me saying there was an explanation but I only kept attacking her not wanting to listen. Once I got her knocked out...Matsuri came in and fought back protecting her. She helped me snap out of it and told me to run away when the police arrived..." Shai explained and kept looking down. Yuzu gritted her teeth and let go of her
"Even after I said not to hurt tried killing her. Now you've also hurted Matsuri..." Yuzu said
"I-I'm sorry..." Shai said
"I don't have time for this. I just need to get to the hospital immediately" Yuzu said
"Thought so...come on. The car is waiting..." Shai said and walked to the car. Harumin and Yuzu walked to the car and got inside. Shai got in as well and the driver took them to the hospital. Yuzu got out and walked inside. She was followed by her friends and they got to the waiting room where chaos occurred
"Everyone! Stay back!" A man shouted as he held Matsuri on a leash. Matsuri ended up turning wild that even her eyes changed pitch black with a red glowing light inside. They even put a muzzle mask on Matsuri treating her like an animal
"When will she arrive!?" A man exclaimed
"In a minute" Another man said. Matsuri's eyes widen spotting Harumin. A sudden rage built up in her body and growled furiously
"Taniguchi! Raaaaah!" Matsuri growled and set herself free from the man
"D-don't let her get away!" A man shouted. Matsuri growled and tried reaching towards Harumin until Lady Liana appeared then grabbed Matsuri pinning her down on the ground. She ended up giving her some powder and it calmed Matsuri down making her fall asleep
"Take her to the room" Lady Liana said
"Of course ma'am" The man said
"Ma'am there is a patient in a critical condition. A human who got attacked by a super human. We need your help" The doctor said
"I'm on it" Lady Liana said and walked with the doctor to the room
"Wait! Doctor!" Yuzu said
"I'm sorry Miss but I can't answer any questions right now. We have a patient dying right now" The doctor said and walked away. Yuzu trembled and looked down
I-is he talking about Mei?
"Yuzu!" Ume said
"M-mom!" Yuzu said and walked up to her
"Have they said anything about Mei?" Ume asked
"N-no nothing at all..." Yuzu said. Ume teared up and sat down on the chair. Yuzu looked down and trembled. She felt someone touch her shoulder and saw it was Shai
"I'm really sorry..." Shai whispered. Yuzu only looked down and took a seat beside Harumin. Shai sat down too beside Yuzu. Suddenly a red haired girl and a blue haired boy came in running
"Sorry but we can't help you" A man said
"Bastard! I need to see my cousin!" Nitski growled
"Nitski please calm down" Juhin said grabbing Nitski. Nitski turned around and spotted Harumin fucking slut..
"Nitski?" Juhin asked. Nitski only looked down and walked up to Harumin
"Hey...what the hell happened between you and Matsuri?" Nitski asked
"Nothing.." Harumin said
"Hehe...don't you dare tell me nothing. I know what you did..." Nitski said sternly. Harumin looked at her and looked away. Nitski growled and Juhin took her somewhere else so she wouldn't cause a scene. Hours passed and those were the worse hours of Yuzu's life. Finally the doctor came out with Lady Liana beside him. Ume stood up and walked up to the doctor. Yuzu walked to her mother and to the doctor
"Doctor how is my daughter Mei doing?" Ume asked
"Well your daughter is doing perfectly okay. She was in big danger but if it weren't for that young girl Mizusawa protecting her from the attacker...she would've died" The doctor said. Ume cried and Yuzu held her
"Thank goodness she's okay" Ume said
"Hey bastard! How is my cousin?" Nitski asked
"Matsuri is doing okay too. Her injuries will soon heal since she is a super human" The doctor said
"May I see my daughter please?" Ume asked
"Hmm? Well only family members please" The doctor said
"I'm her sister" Yuzu said
"Very well. Follow me" The doctor said guiding the Aihara to the room
"Please be quiet. She is asleep" The doctor said
"Thank you doctor" Ume said and got inside. Yuzu walked in and her eyes widen seeing Matsuri was sitting on a chair with her head on Mei's bed and they were holding hands with their fingers intertwined. Ume walked up to Matsuri stroking her hair softly. Matsuri moved a bit and looked up as she started waking up
"O-Oh hi Mrs. Aihara" Matsuri said as she smiled. Ume kneeled down and hugged Matsuri
"Thank you so much Matsuri for protecting and saving my daughter" Ume said as teared rolled down her cheeks
"You're welcome Mrs. Aihara. Mei-san is like my sister and sisters protect one another" Matsuri said as she smiled but glared at Yuzu. Yuzu only looked down rubbing her arm
"Yuzu-chan...I need to talk to you in private. Is that okay?" Matsuri asked
"Yes" Yuzu said. Matsuri looked at Mei and kissed her hand softly which made Yuzu grit her teeth
"I'll be back" Matsuri whispered and released her hand. She got up from her chair and walked up to Yuzu
"Follow me..." Matsuri said and walked out with Yuzu. Yuzu followed Matsuri some place where no one was around. Matsuri stopped and turned around
"Hey Yuzu...did you seriously believe those Tachibanas slut?" Matsuri asked as she glared at her
"Yes or no?" Matsuri asked
"Y-yes...Mei tried explaining but..I only got upset and ran away..." Yuzu said as she looked down
"And?" Matsuri asked
"And I went to Harumin's place..." Yuzu said
"Then?" Matsuri asked
"Nothing..." Yuzu said
"Yuzu...don't fucking lie" Matsuri hissed
"Me and Harumin...kissed and...y-yeah until we were interrupted by my mother's call" Yuzu said as she looked down
" you pretty much were fucking with my girlfriend?" Matsuri asked. Yuzu's eyes widen and looked at Matsuri
"Y-you and Harumin are d-dating?" Yuzu asked
"I guess we were..." Matsuri said
"I-I'm sorry Matsuri I just ne-"
"Shut up. I don't care anymore. I knew Harumin was just using me for sex and is still deeply in love with you. Hehe....this power is a curse. Seducing women with my scent..." Matsuri said
"Th-that's your power?" Yuzu asked
"Yes...and it's a fucking curse. My father only kept me just because of my powers. I helped him seduce women and he slept with them..." Matsuri said as tears built up in her eyes
"M-matsuri..." Yuzu mumbled
"I don't need your god damn pity. I'm a Mizusawa. I am strong..." Matsuri said clenching her fist tightly
"You were abused?" Yuzu asked
"Yes...Nitski and Juhin were also abused. I...I wasn't able to help Nitski when my father raped her. He was going to rape me but then Nitski took my place...I'm going to kill him and rip his head off" Matsuri growled and walked away
"Also...stay away from Mei-san. I'll be protecting her and taking care of her in the hospital..." Matsuri said. Yuzu looked down and teared up
"Mei was going to inherit the Academy but she decided that during the reunion...she was going to confess and propose to you" Matsuri said
"Sh-she was?" Yuzu asked
"Yes...after what she did to you she felt horrible and knew she had to fix it. I talked to her and told me her plans. I was going to help her too as long as she took me in the Academy to help me. She did and well...everything was going well until you decided to listen to the bitch" Matsuri said and walked up to her room but stopped seeing Harumin
"Shut up. I'm not in the mood for talking" Matsuri said and went to her room but Harumin grabbed her
"Taniguchi-senpai...please...let go before you make me punch you" Matsuri said sternly
Nitski and Juhin grabbed Harumin pushing her away from Matsuri
"Leave our cousin alone" Nitski growled
"She wants to be alone right now" Juhin said. Harumin just stopped and looked down. Matsuri got inside the room followed by Juhin and Nitski. Yuzu looked up at Harumin and Harumin only looked down walking away. Yuzu just teared up and trembled
I'm sorry Mei...this...this is all my fault. It's my fault you're hurt...

Shai looked down and kept shaking
Wh-why did I lose control? What the hell...happened to me back there?
Shai lifted her head up and saw Harumin
"H-harumin? Is Matsuri okay?" Shai asked
"I-I guess but now...she doesn't want to talk to me..." Harumin said as she looked down
"Why? What happened between you two?" Shai asked
"J-just...I rather not talk about it.." Harumin said. Suddenly a woman walked pass them and Harumin's eyes widen
"M-mitsuko?" Harumin asked as she stood up
"Oh Harumi you're here too?" Mitsuko asked
"W-well obviously but why are you here? How did you know about the accident?" Harumin asked
"Matsuri called asking me to do a favor for her and Aihara-san. I believe she wants me to deal with the Academy while Mei is gone and trying to recover from her injuries" Mitsuko said and walked away heading to Matsuri's room. Harumin only stood there and trembled
Matsuri...called her? So she...rather see her than me..? Matsuri...
Mitsuko walked to the room and knocked on the door. Nitski answered it and opened the door allowing her inside
"Matsuri are you feeling okay?" Mitsuko asked as she walked up to Matsuri's bed
"Hehe yeah I'm fine" Matsuri said. Mitsuko sat down on her bed beside her
"We'll be waiting outside" Nitski said as she smiled
"Alright" Matsuri said. Nitski and Juhin got out of the room leaving Matsuri alone with Mitsuko
"Why did you call for me?" Mitsuko asked
"Mei-san is going to stay here for the rest of the week and I'm staying with her to take care of her. I want you to take care of the Academy while she's out. Do you think you can?" Matsuri asked
"Sure. I'll push aside my business work and deal with the Academy" Mitsuko said
"Hehe thanks. Mei-san will appreciate it" Matsuri said as she smiled. Mitsuko looked at her and stroked her hair softly
"Matsuri...what happened between you and my sister? Did it work out...?" Mitsuko asked. Matsuri looked down and teared up
"Well...n-not really. I feel like she was only using me to get rid of Yuzu from her mind but...she still loves her. When Yuzu was upset about something...she went with Harumi and they know" Matsuri said. Mitsuko looked at her with a soft expression and wrapped her arms around her. Matsuri blushed and hugged her back
"It's a curse..." Matsuri whispered
"Huh?" Mitsuko asked
"My seducing women with my scent. That sweet scent you sensed on the day we kissed...was me. I purposely did it..." Matsuri said
"What else?" Mitsuko asked
"I used it on Harumin and we...did it. But now I's a fucking curse. I will never find true love with this power...people will only use me for sex...just like my mother" Matsuri said as she looked down. Mitsuko looked at her and got on top of her. Matsuri's eyes widen and blushed deeply
"M-mitsuko?" Matsuri asked. Mitsuko leaned in and cupped her cheek softly
"I don't want to use you for sex. You're a cute girl and I can tell there is something very special inside you..." Mitsuko whispered and leaned in. Matsuri covered her mouth using her hand
"S-senpai...we already gave each other our last kiss. You have a girlfriend that loves you and cares for you. I don't want to ruin your relationship so please...let's just stay friends okay?" Matsuri asked as she smiled. Mitsuko's eyes were filled with disappointment and pulled away
"Sorry..." Mitsuko said
"It's okay. But I think you should go home now. It's getting late" Matsuri said
"'re right. I hope you rest well" Mitsuko said
"Wait cousins will be grabbing my stuff at Harumin's place so please help them out if you don't mind" Matsuri said
"You're moving back?" Mitsuko asked
"Yeah but don't worry. I'm moving to my cousin's place. They'll take my bags there" Matsuri said
"Okay. Goodnight Matsuri" Mitsuko said
"Night Mitsuko and thank you" Matsuri said. Mitsuko blushed and walked out of the room
"Hey Taniguchi-san. Guess Matsuri told you everything?" Nitski asked
"Yes..." Mitsuko said and walked away. Harumin stood up from her seat seeing Mitsuko
"Wh-what did she say?" Harumin asked
"She's moving back. Let's go" Mitsuko said
"H-huh? Me?" Harumin asked
"Yes. Come on. Let's get moving" Mitsuko said sternly
"O-okay..." Harumin said as she looked down

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