Chapter 10

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Morning came and Matsuri got out of bed. She yawned and walked to the bathroom. She got herself ready for school and walked out of her room with her back while wearing her headphones around her neck. She walked out only seeing a bunch of sluts on the couch and her father was in the kitchen
"Good morning sweetie. I made breakfast for my wonderful daughter" Taruto said as she put the plate down on the table. Matsuri looked at the plate and forced a smile
"Thanks papa" Matsuri said and sat down to eat her breakfast
"You're welcome. Besides you deserve it for doing an amazing job. Ah last night was great. I hope you slept well" Taruto said ruffling her hair
"Yes. I slept fine" Matsuri said and kept eating
"Well I guess I should rest for a while and deal with these bitches when they wake up. Ha! Can you believe one of them called me an old perverted man? Hehe once she wakes up I would love to see the look on her face when she realizes that she slept with me. Anyways have a great day Matsuri. I'm proud of you" Taruto said as he smiled
"Thanks papa" Matsuri said. After eating breakfast, Matsuri walked out of the house and headed to her school. On her way to her school she saw Harumin heading to the Academy. Matsuri clenched her fists tightly and looked down
Is it okay for me to her? Maybe...if I just ugh...nevermind
"Hey Matsuri-chan!" Lina said
"Hm? Oh hi Lina" Matsuri said as she smiled. Lina smiled back and walked with her to school
"How's your day been so far?" Lina asked
"Well yesterday was the best day! I met Shai again and she pretty much is amazing. She's rich and has everything now. Hehe I still remember when we first met was kinda...awkward and embarrassing" Matsuri said as she blushed
"Eh? How come?" Lina asked
"Well..." Matsuri mumbled
Matsuri was in the playground playing alone while waiting for Yuzu
"Matsuri-chan!" Yuzu said calling her. Matsuri looked up and saw her friend. She tilted her head seeing another girl. A white haired girl with blue eyes. She was hiding behind Yuzu
"Hey Matsuri. I would like you to meet my cousin" Yuzu said as she smiled brightly. The girl trembled and looked down while whimpering. Matsuri stood up from the sandbox and looked at the girl. She looked down and fidgeted with her fingers
"Oh come on now guys. Introduce yourselves" Yuzu said and smiled. Matsuri blushed feeling embarrassed and looked at the girl
"U-uhm...hi I'm M-matsuri Mizusawa..." Matsuri said
"Sh-shai Okogi" Shai said as she blushed. Yuzu giggled and wrapped her arms around Matsuri and Shai pulling them close
"We will be amazing friends!" Yuzu said. Shai and Matsuri looked at each other then looked away feeling embarrassed and shy. Yuzu looked at them both and played with their hair
"Haha! Come on you two. Don't act so embarrassed" Yuzu giggled
End Of Flashback
"Hehe it took us for a whole to stop acting so timid and shy" Matsuri said and smiled
"Awww that's so cute" Lina said and giggled. Matsuri chuckled softly and sighed
"Did you finish up your homework?" Lina asked
"'s so stupid leaving us a bunch of work" Matsuri said and groaned
"Hehe you're right. Hey want to hang out after school?" Lina asked
"Eh? Oh sorry. I'm kinda busy at the moment. I've already made plans with Harumin" Matsuri lied and smiled
"Oh Taniguchi-san?" Lina asked
"Mhm. Can you believe that she has a sister? She looks hot too...." Matsuri said as she blushed
"Don't tell me. You're in love with them both?" Lina asked
"What? Of course not. I like Harumin" Matsuri said
"And when will you confess?" Lina asked
"I don't know...Harumin is still into Yuzu. Even though Yuzu only told her that she loved her as a friend...Harumin isn't giving up. Ugh...I wanted to tell her last night didn't turn out so well" Matsuri said and sighed deeply
"Hm? What happened?" Lina asked
"Nothing...forget it" Matsuri said and walked a bit faster heading to school. Lina looked at Matsuri and sighed
Jeez say that Harumin doesn't notice you.'re doing the're not noticing the person who loves you is right in front of you
"Hey Matsuri! Wait up! Did you know that some middle schoolers will be entering the Aihara Academy?" Lina asked
"What? Why?" Matsuri asked
"Just to help them out you know? The ones with good grades" Lina said
" I'll ever get a chance to enter the Academy..." Matsuri mumbled

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