Chapter 47

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Shai growled furiously as they grabbed her and got her out
"Immediately! Take her to the room!" The old woman said
"Ugh! Stop this! You're going too far!" Shai shouted and struggled to break free. She couldn't use her powers since they injected some sorta of paralysis substance that paralyzed their powers. Shai turned around seeing her father getting taken away on the other room
"D-dad!" Shai shouted
"Don't worry Shai! Everything will be okay!" Shailung said and the men grabbed his hair making him look away as they took him to another room. Shai trembled in fear and looked around
Dad...why are you so calm? What did you mean back there? Isn't he scared of dying?
Shai looked around seeing other rooms and tried to take a peek inside but the men that held her didn't allow her. Shai kept looking down and clenched her fists tightly
Please...someone save me! I need Himeko back! I want Himeko! I need her! I must get out!
Shai stood in front of a door and the door opened. Shai's eyes widen seeing a chair and the people dragged her inside the room taking her to the chair. She sat down and tied her up to the chair. Shai trembled and had tears rolling down her cheeks
This can't be happening! Why is all this happening?!
Shai shut her eyes tightly and cried. Her surroundings turned black again and slowly opened her eyes
"So...what will you do now?" She asked
"Leave me alone..." Shai said
"Hm? Leave you alone?" She asked
"Yes...please...." Shai said
"Listen here Shai. We both are the same and we both desire the same thing" She said
"Shut up! Damnit! Can't you see my life is already over!? I'm going to lose everything! My family! My friends! My girlfriend!" Shai cried
"And you're just going to cry? Are you going to let them push you to the ground?" She asked. Shai's eyes widen and looked up at herself
"Wh-what?" Shai asked
"You said it yourself didn't you? You will never allow anyone to push you down to the ground. You will stand back up and fight. Just like you did with those bullies" She said
"J-just like...those bullies" Shai said
" pushed those bastards to the ground and you know how?" She asked getting closer to Shai. Shai trembled and look up at herself
"H-how?" Shai asked
"With my help..." She said
"H-huh? Your...h-help?" Shai asked
"Of course. I was the one to convince you and gave you the advice to finally act tough and not be a little crybaby" She said. Shai just looked down ignoring her
"Seriously? You're going to cry? Crying won't get you out of here! Crying won't help only makes you look weak. It shows the whole world that you're just a worthless bitch who can't do nothing but cry like a little baby and wait for others to rescue her...I can't believe I'm wasting my god damn time with a baby..." She said
"" Shai said
"Hm? What was that?" She asked
"No! I am not a worthless bitch who cries! I've had enough of everyone calling me names and hurting me! I won't let them see me cry! I won't let them win! I won't allow them to push me to the ground no more!" Shai shouted
"Heh...and what are you going to do about it?" She asked
"I am going to kill them..." Shai said
"Ooooooh kill? Hehe but the Shai I know wouldn't do such a thing right? I mean you are the sweet and nice Shai. The girl who smiles brightly and is caring to others. A girl who acts all cute and shy. A girl who shows her weakness to the entire world and cried whenever she's pushed to the ground" She said
"No...that's not who I am. Hahaha...I was never a nice person from the beginning. I only followed Yuzu's advice since she was loved by many people...but it only work for her. I was just getting beaten up and pushed to the ground. I won't...ever let that happen again" Shai said
"Hehe...and you will kill?" She asked
"Yes...I'll kill whoever is in my god damn way" Shai said
"Did you know who's fault it is for all of this?" She asked
"Who?" Shai asked
"Your mother's fault..." She said
"M-my...mother?" Shai asked
"Yeah...pretty much. I mean...she left you...right? If she hadn't left you back there then you wouldn't be here now. You wouldn't have have been tortured by your grandmother on that mental hospital. You wouldn't have been bullied. You wouldn't been...alone" She said. Shai trembled and teared up
"M-mama?" Shai asked. Kallen trembled and looked at Shai with fear in her eyes
"You're just like him..." Kallen mumbled
"Wh-what?" Shai asked
"F-forgive me...but this...I'm only doing protect myself" Kallen said and grabbed Shai by her hair
"W-wait! Mama you're hurting me!" Shai cried and her mother dragged her inside the car. Kallen got inside and started driving away
"Don't call me that! My life has been ruined! I can't do this anymore! You're a curse!" Kallen said. Shai's eyes widen and teared up
"Wh-what?" Shai asked. Kallen only cried as she kept driving. She stopped by someplace far from her place then got out of the car
"Get out!" Kallen said as she opened the door
"M-mama! I don't want to be alone!" Shai cried. Kallen only grabbed Shai and dragged her out of the car. She threw her to the ground and kicked her
"Don't ever come back you psychopath!" Kallen shouted and got inside the car then left. Shai was on the ground and held her stomach as she cried
" promised..." Shai cried
End Of Flashback
"Your mother was the first person to hurt you and push you to the ground...she is the one to blame...for all of this" She said. Shai cried softly as memories of her mother came back
"M-mama...mama...I m-miss you so much...why...why did you have to leave me? Y-you should've my s-side. Why did you have to leave me?! What the hell is wrong with you?!? You fucking promised! You promised to be by my side! This is all your fault! You left me! You made me into this! You made me suffer! I fucking hate you!" Shai shouted
"And what will you do from now on?" She asked
"I'll kill them!" Shai said
"You'll finally kill all those people?" She asked
"Yes I will!" Shai shouted
"It doesn't matter who?" She asked
"It doesn't matter! I will kill anyone!" Shai shouted
"You want to be with Himeko forever right?" She asked
"Yes! I do!" Shai said
"You will keep her forever and kill anyone for her?" She asked
"I will kill!" Shai shouted
"Hehe...finally. You now understand...killing is the only solution to be happy. Killing makes you feel better and happy. That person will finally leave you alone and will never hurt you again. It doesn't matter who the person you kill...that person deserved it in the first place right? For messing with you...or your girl. You will kill all of them" She said
" memories..." Shai said
"Let's make a deal. Once you get your memories back...let me take all the power and control" She said
"How is that helping me?" Shai asked
"When you see Himeko again or her name...your memories will come back. You won't remember completely but keep seeing Himeko then your entire memories will come back..." She said
"Deal. Take over. Please...and kill" Shai said
"Hehe...don't worry. We both...will kill" She said. Shai's eyes widen and looked around
"Shai! Shai!" Yuzu shouted. Shai gasped and looked at Yuzu
Y-yuzu? What is she doing here?
"I'm getting you out!" Yuzu said. Shai only smiled as tears rolled down her cheeks
"Hahahaha! Don't worry Yuzu! I will be back...and once I'm back...I will avenge myself!" Shai laughed. Yuzu's eyes widen and trembled
"Sh-shai?" Yuzu asked
"Just run away and take care of Himeko for me! Run! Now!" Shai shouted. Yuzu trembled and clenched her fists tightly
"I promise I'll be okay Yuzu! Just leave me here! Run! Hurry! Get out!" Shai said
"I-I won't! Shai!" Yuzu said as tears built up in her eyes
"Yuzu! Just leave! Get the fuck out! Please leave!" Shai said. Yuzu heard the men getting closer and growled. She ended up escaping the lab and trembled
Shai...why are you doing this? Do you want to end yourself or something? Damnit...I wasn' to do anything...

Damon was in the room with Shailung. He raised the weapon and started beating him up
"Hahahaha! Come on Damon! Keep going!" Shailung laughed. Damon clenched his fists tightly and punched him hard. Shailung only laughed insanely and looked at Damon
"Jealous that your wife is still into me? Hehehe I'm better than you..." Shailung said
"You crazy bastard!" Damon shouted and punched him hard. Shailung laughed and licked his lips tasting some of his blood
"I am not crazy. This the one that's crazy. filthy rich people only care about your reputation and yourselves. You fuckers..." Shailung said
"This is finally your end. You will suffer in hell after this..." Damon said
"Hahaha! You think this is the end for me?" Shailung asked
"Hehe your daughter has been put in a room where her memories will be erased" Damon said
"Are you sure you've captured everyone?" Shailung asked
"What the hell are you talking about?" Damon asked. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Damon turned around and his eyes widen seeing Celeste
"Wh-what the hell?" Damon asked. Shailung lifted his head up and his eyes widen
"C-celeste?" Shailung asked. Damon growled and walked to the door
"What is it Celeste? You can't come here. Who allowed you in?" Damon asked
"Mrs. Higashi did. Now...let me see him" Celeste said sternly. Damon clenched his fists tightly and opened the door
"And please leave us alone. I want to talk to him in private..." Celeste said
"Yes ma'am" Damon said and walked out of the room. Shailung just stared at Celeste and sighed
"Been a while right?" Shailung said
"Where have you been?" Celeste asked
"Hm? Well what do you think? I've been out there in the streets for a very long time now. After faking my death and everyone thinking that they were free...I just decided to do what I do best" Shailung said as he smiled
"By killing people?" Celeste asked
"Hey I can do much more than simply kill people. I just...decided to look after my daughter" Shailung said
"By staying hidden while your daughter suffers with that old woman?" Celeste asked
"Look I just...I had to run away okay? At least she had a home unlike me. Living out there on the streets and surviving on my own" Shailung said
"You could've at least approached her" Celeste said
"Whatever...I don't need your advice anymore" Shailung said as he looked away
"Are you serious? Where is the Shailung I used to know?" Celeste asked
"He's gone. Dead. Can't you see? This world is messed up. Doing this to all of us...why? What on earth did I do wrong to deserve this?" Shailung asked and laughed
"I still remember the look on my father's eyes when he died..." Shailung said and laughed. Celeste only kneeled and hugged him. Shailung's eyes widen and felt his heart stop
"Wh-what the hell are you doing?" Shailung asked
"I just...wish I could've saved you in time..." Celeste said
"Heh...don't blame this on yourself..." Shailung said
"But...if only...I'd helped you sooner. You could've actually lived the life you wanted to live...and maybe...your daughter would also live happy too" Celeste said
"Don't worry Celeste...even if I'm gone. I'll always be with you..." Shailung said. Celeste teared up and looked up at him
"O-one...last time..." Celeste whispered and leaned in. Shailung trembled and felt her warm lips against his lips. He blushed and kissed her back softly. Celeste pulled away and cried softly. Shailung only looked at her and smiled
"I love you Celeste" Shailung said as he gave her a warm smile. Celeste stood up and kissed his forehead softly
"I love you too Shailung. I won't forget you..." Celeste whispered before heading out the door. She walked away and Damon oonly glared at her. He walked pass her and went back to the room
"You bastard..." Damon said
"Hehehe...go ahead and kill me. Just end me..." Shailung said
"I will but before I do...tell me. What did you mean by that?" Damon asked. Shailung laughed insanely and looked at Damon's eyes with his crazy looking eyes
"Why not ask your beloved daughter Himeko?" Shailung asked. Damon's eyes widen for a moment and growled
What the hell is going on?

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