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It has been years since I first opened up about my struggles and my pain.  I thought talking about it would be the hardest thing I've ever done. However, that was all a lie. Writing this book was actually the hardest part. When I started writing it was simply for my well being. It was supposed to be a way to figure out what went wrong how my life could just fall apart like that. However, the more I write the more I could feel a part of me was healing. It was like I was closing the door on a part of my life the peace and closer that came with this was it seemed just what I needed. This book caused me to heal the small part of me that couldn't let go of my past. That part of me was the one part that I had to come to terms with myself. That's when I realized that my story could help other people who have the issues just like me. 

People have always seen metal issues as a weakness and something that has to be fixed. However that is the farthest thing from the truth. Our issues do not make us weak if anything they are what make us stronger. Our issues are what makes us who we are and asking for help doesn't make anyone any less weak instead it makes them stronger. For they were able to realized that they need more help then they could give themselves. It is in the process of asking for help and getting the right kind of health that leads us to heal that part within ourselves that we did not want to accept was a part of us. Everyone even if they do not struggle are strong and helping each other is what makes us even stronger. 

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