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Dedicated to a friend who has this fantasy

I'm in the young adult section looking for a new book. You see I've been lacking in the reading department and need something to distract me from this world.

I feel a tap on my right shoulder.
"Sorry to bother you, but I couldn't help but tell you that you're beautiful. " A guy of the age of 16-17 looking tells me. I smile at him. Trying to hide the side of me that's freaking out.

"Thank you so much!" I say back to him. "No problem, what's your name? mines James." Should I really be telling a complete stranger my name.
"I'm y/n." Yes, yes I should . "Well y/n nice to meet you." You turn back around and go back to browsing books. He stands next to me, doing the same.

"So, do you come here often?" He asks.
"Not all the time, maybe once a month, my parents love coming here so I usually tag along when they go." I say. He nods his head.
"Do you live around here?" He asks.
"No I live about 30 minutes away." Hes nods his head again.

"How old are you?" Wow this guy asks a lot of questions. I laugh.
"What's so funny?" He says smirking at me.
"You ask a lot of questions." I say smiling at him.
"Well I'm trying to get to know you." I roll my eyes in a playful manner.
"Well I'm 15. You?"
"Wow 15? You look older. I'm 16."
I nod my head

"What's your favorite drink?" He asks.
"Depends, alcoholic or non?" He gives me a shocked expression and I start laughing. "I'm kidding, but it's depends, really anything with a fruity taste." He laughs and nods his head. "

"What about from a coffee shop?"
I raise an eyebrow at him. "Are you saying from a coffee shop because there's a coffee shop in this bookstore." I playfully glare at him.

"I don't know, but if you were to order something from there, what might that be?"
"Hmm, a chai tea Frappuccino with extra chai and cinnamon." I say while giving a nod.
"Wow that's specific."
"Well I'm a girl who knows what she wants." I say while giving him a sly smile.

"Well y/n would you care to join me in having a chai tea Frappuccino with me in the coffee shop?" I think for a second. He looks at me nervously. "No" I turn and walk away from him and then quickly turn around and see a shocked expression on his face. "I'm kidding James. Let's go." He laughs again, "Your a jokester arent you."

"Only the the jokeyest." God that was cringe.
We go into the coffee shop and he tells me to sit while he orders. I'm hoping my parents don't walk in here. I sit next to a window and I can feel the warm heat from the sun on the Seats.

He comes back with the drinks

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He comes back with the drinks. I take a sip of mine. "Promise you didn't drug this?" He gasps and fakes being hurt. "You really think I would drug your drink, I'm hurt."
"Well I don't know, strange boy tells me I'm pretty then offers to buy me a drink. This is definitely an upcoming episode of law and order svu if I ever seen one." He nods his head. "I take it youre into crime."
"Well what makes you think that?" I ask.

"Well, your observing me a lot, the way I talk, the things I say, you even sat next to a window."
I frown. "What does sitting next to a window have to do with anything."
"So if I do end up killing you the people outside can testify that you were seen with me. You probably subconsciously did it." He sips whatever he's drinking and looks at me. Creep. "Creep." He laughs. " A creep who is right." I roll my eyes.

"Look, my moms a cop and growing up she made us read about the mind and all of that." He says to me. "Doesn't make you analyzing my every moment any less creepy."
I feel my phone buzz and look down at it. The text from my mom and it reads: leaving in 5, grab the book you wanna buy and let's go

" Hate to cut this little date short, but I've gotta go..." I say while getting up. "Date?" He says while smiling at me. I roll my eyes. "Whatever".
"You know you've got a bad habit of rolling your eyes, maybe we could fix that the next time you see me." I raise my eyebrows at him.

"The next time I see you? And what are you gonna scoop my eyeballs out with a serial killer spoon?" He laughs again and then his face turns serious, "Next time I see you and you roll your eyes, I'm taking you in that bathroom and Dot dot dot." He smirks at me. My breath hitches.

I nervous laugh, "Anyways we will probably never see eachother again" I say to him as I'm about to walk out. He smiles,

"Don't count on that sweetheart."

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