What We Left Behind

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Having to work as a maid isn't exactly what I wanted to do at the age of 16. It's something I had to do in order to support my family though.

You see I work for my moms cousins friends cousin aunts uncles friend. His name his Michael Blackwell, a 46 year old man who owns a cigarette company. Its ironic because he doesn't smoke himself.

"Rosacea!" My name being called pulls me out of my thoughts. I look behind me and see Ellie behind me. "How many times have I told you to call me rosy?"

She rolls her eyes at me, "I called you rosy 5 times and you didn't answer until I said your full name." She says while crossing her arms. "Well what do you want?"

"I was just gonna tell you, you missed a spot." She starts giggling. I roll my eyes at here as I continue mopping the marble floor.

Ellie has been here since I've started working here. She's the one who handles all the hires and who's Mr. BlackWell assistant. For some reason she gave me a chance even though my resume was close to terrible.

A few babysitting jobs here and there and one job where I watered the pedophile across the streets grass. It was good money, 500 an hour for me to just water his plants. It ended all to quickly though when the police showed up at his house in the early morning last June. I saw him arrested and everything. Shortly after that, I found out he had built in sprinkles that were perfectly fine. Haven't heard from him since. 

I've worked here for about 3 months now and I still haven't met Mr.Blackwell. Ellie told me I most likely wouldn't because hes always up in the office, or out of town for work. I finish wiping down the marble counters in the kitchen. Marie, another maid who works with me was suppose to be doing the dishes, but she got called up to meet the needs of Mr.BlackWell about 30 minutes ago.

Every few days a different maid go up to his office for about an hour. Some come back with their hair  a mess and shirts ripped. Others come back with mascara streaming down their face.

   None of them ever decline the offer to go up there. I don't know if they are making extra money, or they just want a good fucking, but they arent allowed to speak of what goes on up there.

I hear footsteps behind me and I turn around to see Marie reaching for a paper towel on the counter. She has white stuff on her face.

She looks me in the eye, "don't say shit rosy." I put my hands up in defense, "I was just gonna you hair looks really pretty," she smiles at the compliment, "I also think you forgot to rub in the leave in conditioner in your hair, seems you have a big clump on your head."

Her eyes widen and she makes a beeline toward the bathroom while saying a string of profanities under her breath. Some including my name in the mix.

"By the way, I'm not doing your dishes!" I yell to her, and I hear the bathroom door slam.

Hello readers! I want to firstly thank you horny teens so much for reading my stories It does mean a lot to me.

You just read my first chapter to my new story.
. It's now up on my account and it's called

What We Left Behind

It would mean the world to be if you would check it out, and give it a chance. The first 10 Chapter are up now :) so good read if you'd like :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2020 ⏰

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